This Week in Adorable Animal Videos: This Dog Saved a Cat's Life, Mean Muggin' With a Pug and More!

Macy the labrador saved Rory the cat when he gave a blood transfusion—get the details!

By John Boone Aug 22, 2013 6:44 PMTags
Animal VideosVine; YouTube

Before we kick off This Week in Adorable Animal Videos, a Public Service Announcement: We love Adorable Animal Videos as much as the next person, but treat your star with respect. Do not hurt an animal for the sake of a Vine. You will get arrested. And if you don't, you're still an ass.

From that, we go directly to our top video of the week, which is not so much a video on its own (though if you enjoy dogs and cats playing together, it is a super cute video clip) but a story too:

1. Macy, the Heroic Labrador:

Rory, a cat in New Zealand, ate rat poison and became gravely ill, requiring a blood transfusion. Unfortunately, Rory's vet couldn't find a suitable she took a risk and decided to use dog blood. It was the only chance they had of Rory surviving.

Macy, Rory's neighbor, stepped in and donated her blood. Within an hour, the cat started to recover. "I hadn't heard about it or read about it. It's not in any textbook." Rory's veterinarian explained.
 "People are going to think it sounds pretty dodgy—and it is—but hey, we've been successful and it's saved its life."

As for Rory, his owner says the inter-species blood swap didn't change anything: "Rory is back to normal and we don't have a cat that barks or fetches the paper."

Other animals may not have been as epic, but they were certainly still adorable... 

2. Like This Dog Playing Dead: Because he does not want a bath.

3. And This Kitten Who Can't Stop Rolling:

The video is only 43 seconds long, but for all we know, that kitten is still rolling!

4. And This Pug With a Mean Mug:

He is not here for any of your shenanigans. Not a single shenanigan.

5. This Kitten Who Attacks Air:

Real-life Puss in Boots, anyone?

6. And Finally, More Pandas: And these pandas are sliding down slides.

Because you can never have too many pandas...ever.

Now, share your favorite adorable animal videos in the comments!

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