Double Rainbow Guy Returns With Video of Yosemite Park Forest Fire: "I Fear Nothing!"

Viral video expert Paul Vasquez captured the national park's forest fires and uploaded the video to YouTube

By John Boone Jun 19, 2013 8:43 PMTags
Paul Bear" VasquezYoutube

It's not hard to score 15 minutes of viral fame. (just ask, say, Rebecca "Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friii-day" Black). But to follow up a viral hit? That's a little trickier (just ask, say, Rebecca "..." Black).

All which is to say, remember Double Rainbow Guy? He's back.

Paul "Yosemite Bear" Vasquez, who rocked to "stardom" with a video of him marveling at a double rainbow ("all the way across the sky!") has uploaded another YouTube video of his marveling, this time at the Yosemite National Park forest fires.

"I was ordered to evacuate last night, but refused the order because I have been planning for this for decades," Paul, a former firefighter, writes alongside the video. "My 2,500 gallon water tank went online two days before this fire."

He continues, "My well puts out a good water hose stream and my water tank puts out 2 streams and my hot tub another...All the people who live here ran away like chickens. Ha. I fear nothing, I see it all as exciting, interesting and amazing!"

As far as the viral potential of the new video, it does have the same shaky, Blair Witch-esque cinematography of the original. And Paul does excitedly shout phrases like "That thing is—Wow!" and "Those flames are shooting up! Oh my god, that's so big!" (that's what she said). But when you compare it to his sheer joy of the original video, he seems to be phoning it in this time.

Maybe because there is a fire raging towards his home.

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