Lindsay Lohan's Latest Bust: The Bling Ring Connection

The actress's latest dust-up might have more consequences than you think

By Leslie Gornstein Nov 29, 2012 11:44 PMTags
Lindsay LohanMarquez / Splash News

Is Lindsay Lohan going to suffer any consequences from her latest arrest, or will she get off easy like so many celebs do?
—Shelia L., Illinois, via Twitter

You speak of the arrest in New York, right? The one where Lohan allegedly punched a woman over either (a) a member of The Wanted, (b) a seat at a lounge, or (c) does it really even matter?

Yes, I can tell you without reservation that LiLo will suffer, in a way, over this latest incident. But I'm not necessarily talking about jail time. I'm talking about something much, much juicier than that.

Remember the Bling Ring, that circle of kids who burglarized celebrity homes a few years back? Among the victims were Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr; Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox...and Lindsay Lohan.

One Ring member, Diana Tamayo, is currently serving three years probation for her part in robbing Lohan.

A restitution hearing for that robbery is coming up on Dec. 14. Normally in cases like this, both victim and perp appear in court, with the victim testifying to what was lost, the perp's attorney cross-examining the victim, and a judge ruling on what the perp owes.

Are you beginning to see where this is going?

"Even if you're the victim of a theft, you still have to prove what you had that was taken," Tamayo's attorney, David Diamond, tells me. "As with any witness, my intent would be to determine Lohan's credibility. And useful tools would include inquiring about not only any crime convictions of hers, but also this most recent questionable behavior.

"Criminal code almost begs for the impeachment of a witness by virtue of their criminal history. If her behavior wasn't a habitual problem before, with this latest incident, it certainly is now."

In other words, thanks to LiLo's latest caper, her chances of getting repaid may now be in greater jeopardy than ever.

LiLo's attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, didn't return an immediate request for comment. But would you be surprised if Lohan suddenly decides that bygones are bygones?

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