Jersey Shore Recap: Deena's Drunken Downward Spiral

Despite her recent arrest, the reality star decides to get wasted again and contemplates leaving the house

By Bruna Nessif Nov 02, 2012 3:36 AMTags
Deena CorteseThelonius / Splash News

Before the shenanigans began, Vinny did a promo spot, addressing the havoc Sandy has done to Seaside Heights, N.J., and urged viewers to donate to the Red Cross Relief Effort. That was nice.

And then it was back to the Jersey Shore

Roger did not break up with JWoww (and we now know what happened with their relationship), but Mike's future with Paula was iffy, because he was already worried about whether or not he would be able to "stick it out." 

All he could talk about was how she keeps tabs on him more now and that she needed "sprucing up" (sigh), and just then, Paula showed up at the Shore Store. Oh, hello. 

Poor girl, the second she left, everyone made a betting pool as to when Mike was going to call it quits. 

And then it was time for the Prank War Champions to strike again. Vinny and Pauly D decided to pull a fast one on Deena while she was out, so they took the lovey-dovey photos of her and Chris out of her frames and replaced them with equally lovey-dovey pictures of themselves that they took on the boardwalk. It was pretty hilarious and we think that experience took their bromance to another level. 

That night, the whole crew went out to Karma, and Mike seemed to had forgotten he had a girlfriend. No worries, though. Paula clearly had spies out, because he got approached multiple times by her friends. Nice try, Sitch. But he didn't let it get too far, just a little dancing grinding. 

Snooki cooked dinner for Jionni without burning the house down (it was a close call, though), and he actually liked it! She didn't believe him for the longest, but he was being genuine, and the duo had a really cute little homemade dinner date together. 

Deena decided to have another meatball day, regardless of her recent arrest, and when she returned to the house, her mother called to see what was up with her. Not good. Not good at all. After a bunch of yelling, Deena's mother said to pack her bags because she was coming to get her. 

And then it looked like Deena wasn't leaving and she said she didn't want to, but then she called her mom again and ended up saying she did want to leave. And then she called Chris and also asked him to pick her up, but he couldn't. 

All very confusing. Did we mention Deena was super, super wasted?

So, if you're wondering whether she stayed at the house or went home, you're in the same boat as us, because no answers were given tonight. 

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