New Breaking Dawn Part 2 Posters Revealed! Are You Team Edward, Bella or Jacob?

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson appear in full on Twilight vampire mode

By John Boone May 24, 2012 6:42 PMTags
Twilight, Breaking Dawn, Kristen StewartSummit Entertainment

Does anyone even care about anything today besides those photos of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart smooching at Cannes?!

Well, if you can tear yourself away from the paparazzi-snapped flirt fest (we barely could), then you've got another treat ready for you: New posters from Breaking Dawn Part 2 featuring R.Pattz, K.Stew and Taylor Lautner in all their vamp-tastic glory (except for Lautner, of course who's doing his teen werewolf best).

So whose eye has caught your eye?! It's time to make the tough decisions:

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Sure, this week may be all about Rob's Cosmopolis and Kristen's On the Road (her film premiered at the prestigious France film festival yesterday and his debuts tomorrow) and next week will be Snow White and the Huntsman-centric, but who's going to say no to some sweet Twilight pics?!

Certainly not us.

And, like all things Edward and Bella, the Twi-hards had to work for these new posters—scouring fan sites today to discover clues on a "Coven Scavenger Hunt." Peep #BreakingDawnScavengerHunt to revisit the hunt—though, here's a spoiler: the dedicated fans found those clues very fast.

So who's your favorite?

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We're going with Kristen's Bella on this one. Sure, we love Rob's trademark golden eyes, but we're so ready to see our newlywed in full on bloodsucker mode (which we've only gotten a few peeks of so far) that we're choosing her.

Plus, beyond those vamp-tastic red eyes, her fierce facial expression is totally serving us the badass-ness we've been promised.

As for Taylor? Well, we wish he were shirtless. But we're sure that's still to come.

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