Robert Pattinson vs. Kristen Stewart: The Battle of the Post-Twilight Flicks!

New photos from Snow White and the Huntsman and Cosmopolis have hit the web—so which half of our fave couple packs more punch?

By Team Truth Nov 09, 2011 8:30 PMTags
Robert Pattinson, Cosmopolis, Snow White and the Huntsman, Kristen StewartCaitlin Cronenber/ Alfama Films; Rankin/Universal Studios

Life beyond Twilight?!

Oh, it exists, and even though we may be seeing less of Robsten on the big screen, we will get an individual dose of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in their upcoming films, Cosmopolis and Snow and the Huntsman.

And while we love these two together, we can't help but have a bit of fun and ask, Whose post-Twilight flick is going to pack more punch at the box office?

Sorry, Twi-hards, but we couldn't help but peg these two against each other, especially since their new movies both hit theaters in 2012. Plus, new photos have hit the web for both films—a banner for Snow White and super sexy shots of Rob in Cosmopolis.

Caitlin Cronenber/ Alfama Films

A little déjà vu from the last two Robsten flicks? Remember Me and The Runaways, which both hit the big screen only a week apart.

And while Rob took all the box-office glory by a long shot, we're thinking K.Stew might be able to rival her dude this time around by donning armor and fighting evil.

Universal Pictures

No doubt, both films are very different from Twilight, and we love that the new movies show a stronger side of both Rob and Kris (we're so over their wimpy days as Bella and Edward), but it's a tough call whose post-Twi character we love more: Kristen as the fairest of them all, or action packed Rob on an epic journey across Manhattan?

After all, a little competition is healthy for every couple, no?


Awful's R.Pattz vs. K.Stew Poll

Whose post-Twilight flick will take theaters by storm?
R.Pattz: David Cronenberg has already said he¿s fabulous in the film, and we can¿t wait to see Rob in action.
K.Stew: Girl will look beautiful as Snow White, and this role will finally show a different side of Kris.
Neither: Rob and Kris are forever tainted by Twilight, and I won¿t be seeing either of their new movies

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