Afternoon Mail! Are Robert Pattinson and Ashley Greene Vicing Behind Kristen Stewart's Back?

Readers fear that the Breaking Dawn duo canoodled while at the premiere in Paris

By Ted Casablanca Oct 28, 2011 8:20 PMTags
Ashley GreeneMark Renders/Getty Images

Dear Ted:
I am sure you are going to be flooded with these questions but another website states that Ashley Greene and Robert Pattinson are hooking up. They were, in fact, so loud that hotel management was called...Don't be mad at me. I love you more.

Dear If the Hotel's a Rockin'...
I would have ignored this silly rumor, but you're right, I did get flooded by Q's about R.Pattz canoodling with his costar. So I'll only say this once: Wouldn't believe this if I were you. While Ash and Rob may make perfect hangout pals, that's as far as the chemistry goes. Rob isn't exactly Ashley's current type, but vice versa? Debatable.

Dear Ted:
You've been mentioning Dianna Agron in almost all your mail batches, and I can't lie, I find this suspicious. Is there a reason for this? Are her Vicey ways resurfacing, or is she starting to develop a new Vice?

Dear Blonde Ambition:
Nope, Di has retired her Vice days...for now. She's on to bigger and better and far sexier things, thankfully. Just heart the girl!

Dear Ted:
I am loving American Horror Story! Has to be the most messed-up storyline on TV nowadays—in a good way, of course. And Dylan McDermott is fine! At 50 he has never looked so good. Always thought he was too pretty-boy pretty when he was younger, but the scruff and those abs are hot, hot, hot! Any bad boy ways on Mr. D?

Dear Dammit:
Sorry to disappoint you with a no, babe, and I find this particularly sad, especially for one of Julia Roberts' exes. That girl liked the bad boys a lot before she settled down!

Dear Ted:
It's sad when the voice of the fans is ignored by the actors, as is clearly evidenced by the statements made by Tom Cruise about One Shot. This is yet another wonderful series of books that will be ruined because an actor's ego and a paycheck. Cruise even acknowledges that he's heard the voice of the fans but doesn't care since the author, to whom Tom Cruise's production company paid a lot of money, makes a statement in support of Tom. It's nice to know from the horse's mouth that Mr. Cruise doesn't care what the fans think.
—Matthew D

Dear Ahead of the Gun:
C'mon, Matty, I know the idea upsets you, but why not wait until you've gotten a peep at the product before totally disowning it? T.C.'s a friggin' Oscar nominee, after all. Who would you have rather played the part?

READ: Tom Cruise "Very Sensitive" to Talk About His Controversial One Shot Casting

Dear Ted:
I really like Jessica Biel and have waited for her career to take off in a big way. She is such an underrated actress. I fear that her career will once again take a back seat now that she is back with Justin Timberlake, who I also adore. From now on, it will be all about being a good girlfriend. I loved them as a couple, and their reunion should make me happy, but I'm not. It just doesn't seem real. What am I missing here?
—Jess Fan

Dear All Sparkle No Substance:
Trust, I'm not thrilled about their reunion either, but it's got nothing to do with Jess's acting career—or lack thereof. And to be blunt, she's got bigger issues to figure out than her Academy Award speech. Maybe if she wasn't so bland people would want to see her on the big screen?

Dear Ted:
After the brave coming out of Zachary Quinto, I suggested to my friend who I thought might be Toothy Tile. She would not believe it even for a second. Do you think that acceptance could be a bigger problem for Toothy than it was for Zachary? I mean, would his loyal fans be that shocked into disbelief?

Dear Tile File:
Yes and no. Some would be fine with it; some would be thrilled. But yes, the majority of people would be shocked. And yes, his career would be...not exactly what it once was. But it could be greater and more authentic in my opinion.

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