Who Will Help Robert Pattinson Overcome His Ab Envy?

The Breaking Dawn star can't help but feel jealous of Taylor Lautner's impressive mid section

By Ted Casablanca, John Boone Oct 26, 2011 7:29 PMTags
Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson, New MoonSummit Entertainment

So he doesn't have a six-pack. We still know plenty of Twi-hards who think Robert Pattinson is the hottest vampire since Dracula.

But that hasn't stopped the Breaking Dawn star from feeling insecure about his big-screen bod. Especially when he sizes himself up to Taylor Lautner, who flashes his trademark abs any chance he can get.

Boo hoo, Robby! But he'll soon have a friendly face to chat with about his washboard-ab worries...

And it'll be on TV because the Breaking Dawn crew is hitting Ellen.

Or so says Gossip Cop. Official reps for the show have stayed mum on any impending vampy guests, but Rob, Taylor and Kristen Stewart are allegedly set to tape the daytime chatfest on Monday, Nov.14 (to be aired the Friday B.D. hits theaters).

And Ellen DeGeneres is the parfait person to mediate the battle of the bods between the two boys.

But back to the tummy topic

"I had never been so worried about [the way I looked] before," R.Pattz confided in 15a20 magazine about his impending Cineplex sex scene. "But after seeing how much Taylor works out for the movies, I thought, 'Well, everybody is really going to judge me now.' I always tried to think about positions where I could tense the muscles, and suck in my belly."

How divine! And here we thought the chicks had it harder doing on-set sexy times. So while we were all hungry to see Bella and Edward get busy, R.Pattz was just, well, hungry.

He continues, "So in this movie, I thought, 'OK, it's the last one, I'm getting a six-pack,' and I tried, but it's very hard. I worked out so hard for six months, so after filming the sex scene, the first thing I thought was, 'Time to eat!' "

Love it! Oh and, Rob? We think you look fab in the previews we've seen for the flick.

Like another one that hit the net today, where we see the new Mr. and Mrs. Cullen prep for a saucy late night swim in Brazil. If you remember, it's part of the clip that was shown way back when at Comic-Con, but now it's on the internet for your repeated viewing pleasure.

So what say you, loyal Twi-hards: Should Rob have fit in a few more crunches before the big day, or (like us) are you left thinking "Taylor, who?"

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