Source: Lindsay Lohan "Absolutely Doesn’t Have a Valid Case"

An in-the-know lawyer weighs in on LiLo’s suit versus Pitbull

By Ted Casablanca, Kim Cronce Aug 26, 2011 6:30 PMTags
Pitbull, Lindsay LohanGustavo Caballero/FilmMagic; Toby Canham/Getty Images

Linds, we love you, we adore you, but something's got to give!

‘Cause lately Lindsay Lohan has been staring in her very own courtroom drama instead of on the big screen where she belongs (tear). Her latest run-in with the L.A. legal system? Suing Pitbull for mentioning her time in the clink in one of his hit songs.

So what does one powerful Hollywood lawyer type think LL's chances of winning are?


"She absolutely doesn't have a valid case," an in-the-know lawyer tells us.

So why the suit? Does LiLo simply want a chance to play the plaintiff instead of the defendant? 


But this probably has to do with getting some cold hard cash the easy way instead of, ya know, doing her day job… acting.

"The same lawyer sued over her incredibly dubious "milkoholic" misappropriation claim against E*Trade," our lawyer pal continues. "And managed to get her settlement dollars."

Remember that silly E*Trade commercial with the adorable babies that happened to name the "milkoholic" baby Lindsay? Well that ordeal ended up settling, which means cha-ching for Linds. Could the case with Pitbull be the sequel?

While we are not the go-to-source for outstanding parental practices, we certainly know that our girl Linds is in need of some seriously sound advice from Dina Lohan. And no, downing three bottles of wine with your Betty Ford-visiting daughter may not be exactly what she needs right now.

Just an observation.

Let's be real, LL, if money is what you need, let us first suggest taking Pitbull up on his offer to have you as his date at this weekend's VMA's. Hey, you know what they say—a girls gotta eat.

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