John Mayer Is the Latest Celebrity Twitter Quitter

Oversharing songwriter has shut down his Twitter account, but not his online presence

By Gina Serpe Sep 13, 2010 8:30 PMTags
John MayerLester Cohen/Getty Images

It's finally happened. John Mayer's Twitter account has crumbled under the weight of his own douchiness.

As if 140 characters could ever hope to contain that.

The oversharing, blog-avenging songwriter quietly shut down his 3.1 million-strong microblogging page yesterday, leaving his fans with a message which, really, is pretty dang clever in retrospect:

"What does this button do?"

And with that, Mayer moved on in the Internet ether, and will now simply rely on his blog, Tumblr, Facebook, fan pages, concerts and TV appearances to keep his fans in the loop.

However will we cope with such a lack of info?

In any case, it's nice to see that Mayer finally put his typing fingers where his mouth is, after calling Twitter "inherently silly" and "inherently dumb" last year. Just a few months ago, he was retelling the same narrative, predicting (incorrectly, as it turns out) that Twitter is "pretty much done."

Nostradamus he's not.

Mayer's rep confirmed his exodus from Twitter today, and noted that, unlike the last time he peaced out of the service, this is no temporary exile.

"With the Battle Studies Tour now at a close and a return to the studio planned, John has discontinued his Twitter account. However, he continues to communicate with his fans via his blog as he always has."

His departure is just the latest hit sustained by the social network in recent weeks. Demi Lovato pulled a Miley just last week, while Amanda Bynes, who has also flirted with leaving Twitter—and her career in general—put the final nail in the coffin of @chicky and also closed up shop on her overshare factory this month as well.

Good luck in the real world, kids.

What's big on Twitter these days, if not @johncmayer? Check out our gallery and find out!

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