Was Eclipse Even Good?

Third Twilight flick is finally released tonight. So did you like it?

By Ted Casablanca Jun 30, 2010 4:01 AMTags

Surely you Twi-hards are not pleased at the latest review of Eclipse. If you're a fan of the franchise you're going to see the movie anyway, if you're not, you probably aren't even reading this item.

We think Eclipse is the best out of the three films, as does Kristen Stewart and the majority of the Twilight cast. In the clip above, Stewart gives one more final promo-push as to why you all need to see this movie:

"It has more than a few elements that makes it different than the other two movies...we still hold on to the love story, but it's taken to a whole new level...It gives [Bella] perspective, suddenly she's like I want [Edward], I don't need him, I can totally have someone else and so it makes it more human. It's not the ideal love story that's in the first one."

Dying to know your thoughts as you all flock to the theaters this week. Did Eclipse live up to its hype?


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PHOTOS: Total Eclipse

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