Bitch-Back! Battle of the Tween Stars!

Are Daniel Radcliffe and Justin Bieber fans at war?

By Ted Casablanca Jun 25, 2010 12:30 PMTags
Daniel Radcliffe, Justin BieberKevin Mazur/

Dear Ted:
I just read the best thing ever: Daniel Radcliffe thought Justin Bieber was a girl at first! I love his bold honesty. Now, do you think those rabid Justin Bieber fans will come after dear Dan? If they do, they'll have the millions of Harry Potter fans to deal with.

Dear You Give Me Bieber… Bieber!
Darling, think of the age groups. Dan and Justin fans are not mutually exclusive. It'd be like self-destruction from the inside out.

Dear Ted:
For some reason my three rescued beagles and I can't stop wondering who Moisty Mohr might be (since he sounds so disgusting). Is his TV experience more like a talking head/pundit, or more reality douchebag, like Brandon Davis or someone from The Hills?

Dear Trust This One:
Moisty is most definitely, certainly, absolutely not like anything you'd see on The Hills or reality TV. Unless you consider Bruce Jenner a reality-TV star.

Dear Ted:
Any word on which Glee stars were breaking the no-sex-on-set rule?

Dear If the Trailer's a Rockin':
Word on the gossipy street is that a certain male star (whose first name starts with, hmmm, maybe a consonant?) is the one doin' the dirty deed.

Dear Ted:
I'm a Robsten believer, but I can't help but notice how Kristen always looks repulsed when she is around Rob. Like on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Rob touched her leg and she looked annoyed. What gives? Is Rob just more into Kristen then she's into him?

Dear Public Love:
Kris isn't a fan of PDAs. Have you not realized this yet?

Dear Ted:
Reading your article about David Slade bringing out a better Edward from Rob Pattinson, despite the two having their differences had me thinking maybe David should have been approached right from the get-go to direct the Twilight series. Eclipse looks promising, but we have to give credit where credit is due and thank Catherine Hardwicke for Robsten. Who knows? Maybe David would have made the Twilight movie a little better, or maybe he would have chosen a different Bella or Edward. But being a Twilight fan I won't give up my Robsten for a better Twilight movie.

Dear What If?
Interesting argument. I think it's fitting that as the movies progress, the acting challenge becomes more and more serious. And heck, what would we ever have done without kooky Catherine Hardwicke to kick the whole thing off? We love crazy Cathy at the A.T.! After all, she birthed Robsten, remember.

Dear Ted:
Who are your all-time favorite celebrities that you've interviewed?

Dear Little Ol' Me?
Tie between Oprah and Brad Pitt, I'd say. I'm a good gay. Taryn's are Dustin Hoffman and Angelina Jolie. And Marc's is Ashton Kutcher. But he's still a young'un.

Dear Ted:
My sister and I just watched an episode of Kendra where Holly visited her. We were wondering, are they really friends? We've heard that they hate each other!

Dear Playboy Princesses:
Please, Holly and Kendra are fine. You don't go through life at the mansion without making at least some friends (and without getting thrown into the rumor mill, natch).

Dear Ted:
You promised you'd confirm if we guessed correctly. Is Moisty Mohr Pauly Shore?! Please confirm, would love to do some silly celebratory dance.
—The Silly Johnsons

Dear Shore Thing:
Nope. Moisty is actually somewhat newsworthy, interesting and relevant.

Dear Ted:
We all know your love of Niley (totally justified), but who do you think would be a perfect match for Joe Jonas?

Dear Foxas:
I'd love to see him with Megan Fox, to bring out his wild side, or Emma Stone, if we're talking something more than just tabloid-worthy.

Dear Ted:
I am so glad that you are kind to Tom Cruise. Who cares about his religion, his sexuality or his marriage? I may not agree with all his beliefs, but he seems to me to be someone who is actually trying to do good in the world. So yes, I want him to succeed at his comeback. Do you think he has a chance?

Dear Cruisin' on Back:
I think so. Granted, he's done more damage to his career than a few good press opportunities here and there can salvage, but the dude's toned down the crazy a lot. But it's too early to tell if he won't pull another stunt anytime soon.

Dear Ted:
What's the juice on Eric Dane? Has he ever been a Blind Vice?

Dear Daneger:
Nope on the Vice stuff. But I'm sure you remember this little gem.

Dear Ted:
I believe, based on your great info, that Robsten are in a committed, monogamous relationship with each other. However, they also realize the rest of their professional lives are being made or broken at this very point in their careers, and, therefore, they are placing a lot of emphasis on their careers right now. Romantics want to believe this is a great love story, and I get that, but I think these two are very practical for being so young and understand the Industry enough to know that all play and no work doesn't make a Hollywood success. Do you concur?

Dear Perfection:
Couldn't have said it better myself. Well, actually, I think I already have.

Dear Ted:
Every time a person buys an animal from a breeder, they eliminate a potential home for a stray or other unwanted animal. I know people claim they want to know the dog's personality before they buy, but I challenge them to compare their pricey pet to my mixed breed. No contest. Anyhow, if you didn't have to worry about pesky things like lawyers, lawsuits and upset celebrities, which Blind Vice would you out?

Dear Oh, Please:
Morgan Mayhem
. Though I think she's already doing a pretty magnificent job herself.

Dear Ted:
I just finished reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Awesome book. I am positive that a bunch of Hollywood bigwigs read (or have their people read) your columns, so how can we get a campaign for Kristen Stewart to star as Lisbeth in an American version of a movie based on this book series? She physically fits the role perfectly, and she would do an incredible job.

Dear Casting Couch:
I was just saying this the other day! Way to read my mind, E. Kris-Kris would be fantastic!

Dear Ted:
I am wondering if Zach Gilford has ever been a B.V.? He seems like a very decent guy.

Dear Not Yet:
The Friday Night Lights star (who is a phenomenal actor, BTW) isn't too wild just yet. But he's getting into the movie business soon, and we all know what that means...

Dear Ted:
What is your definition of a celebrity? Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Tom Cruise, Twi kids or anyone who has ever acted on a TV show or movie, no matter if the name is recognizable?

Dear Webster:
There are lots of aspects to it. If someone has even a few fans who are dying to hear what they have to say or do—be it good or bad—then they've got some celeb power. The scale and reach of that power is where stars are made or broken.

Dear Ted:
If a star comes out of the closet and they were a Vice, would you reveal it?

Dear Blind Justice:
Wholly depends on how much blow they were doing in that parking lot.

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