Bitch-Back! Do the Glee Kids Play Nice?

Readers wonder if the cast really gets along

By By Ted Casablanca Apr 15, 2010 12:41 PMTags
Glee CastKevin Winter/Getty Images

Dear Ted:
My kitten Penny and I just finished watching this week's episode of Glee and I can't help but wonder if there is any onset drama. They said on Oprah that they are a tight-knit bunch. I don't buy it. Do you have any good gossip for the Gleeks?

Dear Too Nice to be True:
Sure, great goss but on the folks...individually. All together, for the most part, they do get along. This is season 1 though. Everything was peachy friggin' keen on Grey's Anatomy at this point, too. These kids are rising stars, hate to say it, but give it time.

Dear Ted:
Has Oprah ever been a BV?

Dear Almighty O:
But of course!

Dear Ted:
Do you suppose the real reason Rob and Kristen want to keep their relationship private is because of the gossip creeps, paps and lying rags? Ya think? All they do is tell lies and smear dirt all over anything and everything they can for the sake of the almighty dollar. Now this might not include you as long as you keep the truth and the respect out there. So will you?

Dear True Story:
I think that's a big reason why Robsten likes to keep everything on the down low. But sometimes I wonder if they don't just admit it if it would all go away a lot faster. And I think I do a pretty good job of clearing up false rumors.

Dear Ted:
Any news on Shia LaBeouf and Carey Mulligan? They're seriously one of my favorite movieland flippin' stylish and attractive...those PDA's aren't PR, are they?

Dear Puppy Love:
I actually like Shia and Carey, too. They're like a better version of Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson. They know how to stay private, but aren't ashamed to go out in public together without totally exploiting their relaysh.

Dear Ted:
What's up with Ben and Jen these days? Before Jen popped out baby number 2 you said her and Ben were heading for divorce court. Are they still on the rocks or are they digging each other's chili again?
Mrs Hand

Dear Baby Ain't a Fix It:
They definitely still have their issues. But I give them props for attempting to work through them. Still not sure if they totally will though.

Dear Ted:
So which Jonas stars in his own BV? It's Nick right? It's always the quiet ones you gotta watch out for.

Dear Hoedown Throwdown:
I would hardly call Nick quiet!

Dear Ted:
For all your readers and long-time fans who are threatening to quit your blolumn over more Robsten news, well, I remember a few years back when you were all over Paris Hilton and her crowd. The girl absolutely disgusted me, I did not want to hear anything about that skank, yet you, like any other gossip venue, were covering her every move. Time had passed, thank goodness so has Paris mania, and now here we are with Robsten. Quite honestly, Robsten is a million times more interesting than skankville galore P.H., but time will pass too. No need to threaten, get over it people, this is a gossip column, not The New York Times. Although your sources are more reliable—I say keep up the great job Ted, whether we agree with the subjects du jour or not, we know that we can count on you to know where the Awful Truth is. And believe me people, I am not kissing his ass, I am not his type!

Dear Rational One:
My jaw dropped, I can't believe you've actually been listening to what I've been typing! Thanks babe you've made this crappy day mucho better.

Dear Ted:
Is Bart Farts a Lot in love with Twyla Babe Sucker? Love to the furbabies!

Dear Weird Combo:
Uh, not that I've heard, dollcakes. Now that would be a weird pairing.

Dear Ted:
How difficult must it be for Robsten to work with Nikki on Breaking Dawn after all drama with their relationship? Just read an article about her pulling out from the movie project with K.Stew here.

Dear Two's a Crowd:
They were fine on Eclipse, they'll be cool on the set of Breaking Dawn. These are all professional kids.

Dear Ted:
What's the status of Barrington Bang-Me in Nevis Divine's life now? Is he friends with Nevis' beard or does he secretly hate her?

Dear Whoa There:
I never said Nevis had a beard per se.

Dear Ted:
Are the high ratings only the reason why Kate Gosselin hasn't been booted off of Dancing with the Stars? She is such a horrible dancer. I mean, low scores after running around chasing eight kids all these years?

Dear Smarty Pants:
Absofriggin'lutely! The girl is ratings gold. Still, she won't make it into top 3 or anything, that's just blatantly rigged.

Dear Ted:
What a disappointment was to read the quotes from Jake Gyllenhaal's new GQ interview. I thought we could find a more mature, genuine and honest person, but instead we have the same image obsessed fake guy recycling his own three year old PR approved quotes from his previous 2007 GQ interview. Like "it's important for every man to find the right woman?" What the hell is this hetero-centric and homophobic statement? Is he still living in the 1950s? I know he is promoting a Disney blockbuster and wants a conservative majority to buy a ticket but come on! This is too much! Do you think this is the only Jake we are going to get post-Prince of Persia, too?
Carrie Bradshaw

Dear Dark Ages:
Glad you agree with me. Was totally disappointed! Don't you think he needs to be in the edgier mags? Then again you aren't going to find the un-PC quotes in GQ, it's quite mainstream.

Dear Ted:
Has Tina Fey ever been a Blind Vice? She seems so perfect: smart, funny, talented, yet I think there is a wild side to her. Do you have anything?

Dear 30 Rocked:
Actually, can't say that she has. She's rather normal for the Hollywood bunch.

Dear Ted:
Please tell me that Buck Me Good is not Robert Pattinson. Thanks!

Dear And it Ain't:
Robert Pattinson.

Dear Ted:
What are your thoughts on what Rufus Wainwright said about 50 Cent? Has 50 been a BV?

Dear G-Unit:
Yes, 50 has been a BV. And it's a particularly sexy/naughty one behind the scenes, think away from the fans, but, not too far away.


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