Bitch-Back! Robsten All Work and No Play?

Curious folks out there about how Rob and Kristen balance their relationship

By Ted Casablanca Jan 23, 2010 3:27 PMTags
Kristen Stewart, Robert PattinsonFred Duval/Getty Images

Dear Ted:
What comes first for Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson—their careers or their romance? Is it a "one or the other" type decision or do they want to try to make both their film futures and their relationship work? I'm only questioning this because it appears KS is taking a back burner to RP's career right now as she has no new films in the works and is said to be traveling to see him on his sets, not vice versa. Are they so serious that, at such a young age, they have already made a pact to be with the other when not filming?

Dear Practical:
I want to say careers but feel as though I'll get lashed to smithereens. Fine, lash away: I think Rob and Kristen are very smart. Why do you think their relaysh is kept under wraps? They know how to balance both, and keeping their private life private will make them happy and their handlers happy (therefore careers).

Dear Ted:
Talk to me about Taylor Momsen. She seems really obnoxious. Is she the next Mischa Barton or Lindsay Lohan? Love ya!

Dear Gossip Girl:
Quite observant of you. It wouldn't surprise me...but Taylor seems a bit more driven actually than Mischa or Lindsay. She's into the music stuff which could be her saving grace. Or her downfall. Time will tell!

Dear Ted:
I'm really feeling bad for Jennifer Aniston. I mean to go through a break-up is horrible, to see the man you were married to cheat on you with a skank is horrible, but to have your life played out in the media must be horrendous. It's been five years and something tells me Jen has moved on, but yet the media just keeps pushing it. I mean from the men she dates, to the clothes she wears, they always have to pit her (no pun intended) against that husband-stealing wench. I think Jen looked great at the Golden Globes and just because she wore a dress with a high slit, everyone has to bring up how the baby mamma wore it last year. Has she ever been a Blind Vice? Something tells me Brad and Angie have way more skeletons in their closet and aren't as "saintly" as they seem!

Dear Good Girl:
Wow doll, that almost made me want to drop the Jen-Angie comparisons for good. Your points are good. I think public fascination drives this get-Jen dynamic just as much as the media. It's a two-way street. If everyone really wanted the issue dropped, then the media would stop pushing it because it wouldn't sell. Unfortch, it's the most famous love triangle in recent history. I don't see it going anywhere, as sick of it as I am, too.

Dear Ted:
What's up with Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli? Are they committed? Or does he like to have his cake and eat it, too?

Dear Cliché Lover:
The second one.

Dear Ted:
Just wondering if the beards in show business know about each other? Faking a relationship long term would be pretty draining and I'm sure they wouldn't mind the support of other girls in the same situation.

Dear Bearded Brunch:
I don't think they're meeting for tea and talking about how much sex they aren't having. Ever heard of sick concepts like don't ask, don't tell? Think that ridiculous crap goes a lot further than just the military.

Dear Ted:
Since Katy Perry and Russell Brand have gotten engaged very quickly, any gossip on them? I thought the relationship was for publicity at first, but now it appears to be the real thing...Thanks!

Dear Kitty Purr:
A fast wedding has shockingly worked for Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian-Odom. Everyone who meets them is surprised how in love they are. I think Katy and Russell work, actually. How long? Who the ef knows.

Dear Ted:
Your blolum (along with coffee) is the only thing that gets me out of bed some days! I'm wondering if Miss Demi Lovato is as straight-laced as she'd like us to think she is?

Dear Disney Girl:
So far...yes. But it's only a matter of time with those Disney kids.

Dear Ted:
Another gossip site made a statement about a Golden Globe nominee who "hits for the other team" when drunk, as he was at an after-party. My reaction was shock, as that narrows the list of Hollywood stars to a short list. Is this someone you already know about, and has he been one of your Blind Vices?

Dear Insider:
down the list? Honey, I have about 20 dudes in mind right now who it could be.

Dear Ted:
Is Jennifer Aniston donating to Haiti? Will she be joining Mr. Clooney at the Haiti Telethon?
—Jennifer Fan

Dear Giver:
Yes. And I'm resisting an Angelina comment there. Or did that count?

Dear Ted:
If there are many complaints from fans about Melissa Rosenberg's writing in Twilight and New Moon, then why is she still around?

Dear Good Question:
That's what I would like to know, too, hon. She must have some contractual agreement that gave her the option for all the sequels after Twilight. That, or she and Stephenie Meyer are besties, since Steph calls the shots at Summit.


More saucy questions answered by Ted in the Bitch-Back section.

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