Rob, Kristen and Taylor's Best Talk Show Moments

We've gathered the greatest bits from the New Moon love triangle's various promo appearances over the past week...

By Jennifer Cady Nov 21, 2009 4:50 PMTags

Happy New Moon weekend, everyone! We gotta hand it to Rob, Kristen and Taylor, they all worked so hard over the past month to promote their little vampire movie, which culminated last night in a three-way (pre-taped) interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Now they can all go back to their normal lives. For Taylor that means pumping iron and practicing back flips all day, while Rob and Kristen lurk around the shadows of Chateau Marmont.

But before we say goodbye to the gang until they resurface for Eclipse this summer, we thought we'd put together our favorite moments from the past week's talk show appearances. (And there were a lot of them—Ellen, Conan, Leno, Letterman, Jimmy Fallon, Today, Regis and Kelly.)

Usually they’re met with the same questions: Did you ever expect this to be so big? How is this movie different from the last? OMG, fans are so crazy, right? They scream so much! How did you bulk up to play Jacob Black? Are you dating Kristen? What do you think of your Barbie? Will you throw this football? (Both Taylor and Kristen had to do that, btw.)

Still, there were some fun moments to be had and we've compiled them all right here just in case you fell asleep while Taylor talked about his workout regime for the 13th time.

Let's see what we got:

Taylor's Mini-Motorcycle Race on Jimmy Fallon. The wolf boy is always so poised during his interviews, which is great but he can come off a little stiff. So we really enjoyed the little candid moment this race gave us. Kid is competitive.

Rob's American Accent on Letterman. Awww, he can say "sidewalk" and "candy" in American. How adorable.

Kristen Offers to Hook Martha Stewart Up with Rob on Jimmy Fallon. It seemed like K.Stew definitely got some media training between the Twilight and New Moon press tours. They taught her how to speak in sentences and gave her jokes to tell over and over like "my boyfriend's a vampire and my best friend's a werewolf and they don't get along" or "I'm used to making movies people don't see." Anway, she did have one good, original story to tell!

Taylor's Crazy Twilight Moms Encounter on Leno. This story is about a mom asking out a 17-year-old.

Rob's Boredom on Letterman. The sparkle vamp's boredom sure does lead to some weird fan encounters. Between this and his story on Ellen, he needs to find a better way to entertain himself.

New Moon press tour: Nov. 1 - Nov. 20. Never 4get.


Get the photos of the gang's epic promoting skillz in our New Moon: World Tour Madness gallery.

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