Kourtney Kardashian Reveals the Extreme Lengths She'll Take for Beauty

Kourtney Kardashian sat down with E! News during New York Fashion Week to discuss all things beauty, including the extremes she's willing to take for great skin.

By Alyssa Morin Sep 15, 2022 2:00 PMTags
Watch: Kourtney Kardashian Reveals HOW FAR She'd Go For Flawless Skin

When it comes to beauty, Kourtney Kardashian isn't afraid to poosh it to the extreme.

After all, the reality TV star and her family members are known for trying bizarre cosmetic treatments. In an exclusive interview with E! News, Kourtney explained why she's not afraid to take extreme procedures, especially if it's all in the name of beauty.

"Zone into the pain," Kourtney told The Rundown's Erin Lim Rhodes while promoting her boohoo collection during New York Fashion Week. "It's all for a good cause."

She continued, "I'm down for some painful treatments, like needles, needling and blood. And I don't numb, I'm not into numbing creams. I like to feel it and experience it and know that it's working."

On the first season of The Kardashians, Kourtney gave fans a glimpse inside some of her beauty practices, including when she steamed her vagina with roses to help with her fertility as she and Travis Barker tried having a baby.

Kourtney Kardashian & Travis Barker's Blended Family Photos

And while Kourtney might take extreme lengths with her skincare, she's bringing basic elements, like sustainability, to her boohoo collaboration.

Daniella Midenge

"The first thing you think about with fast fashion is how it's bad for the planet," she said, "So, I felt like why not use this opportunity and take my platform and try to push the fast fashion brands to try to make change?"

She continued, "I said to boohoo, 'How cool would it be if you guys make all these changes and then everyone would feel like they want to get their clothes here because nothing else compares?' I think getting to that place would be really cool."

Daniella Midenge

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