Andrew Cuomo's Surprise Letter From Kansas Farmer Will Inspire You to Pay It Forward

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s surprise letter from a generous Kansas farmer will inspire you to give back this weekend during the Coronavirus pandemic.

By Mike Vulpo Apr 24, 2020 6:38 PMTags
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No act of kindness—no matter how big or small—is ever wasted.

It's no secret that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has his hands full these days as he tries to manage a state hit dramatically by the Coronavirus.

But in between meetings, interviews, press briefings and even time with brother Chris Cuomo, the New Yorker received a touching letter from a stranger that will absolutely inspire. 

"I received this letter from a farmer in northeast Kansas. His wife is ill and he is aging," Andrew shared on Instagram Friday morning. "He sent me 1 of 5 N95 masks he has from farming to pass on to a doctor or nurse in New York. This is humanity at its best. I share his letter as inspiration."

So what exactly did the letter say? A couple named Dennis and Sharon took a piece of paper to write a hand-written letter to the governor. After following the news, they felt the need to make a difference and donate.

Neighborhood Acts of Kindness During the Coronavirus

"Dear Mr. Cuomo, I seriously doubt that you will ever read this letter as I know you are busy beyond belief with a disaster that has befallen our country. We are a nation in crisis, of that there is no doubt. I'm a retired farmer hunkered down in northeast Kansas with my wife who has but one lung and occasional problems with her remaining lung," the letter began. "She also has diabetes. We are in our seventies now and frankly I am afraid for her."

But instead of asking for help, assistance or sympathy, the couple shared one N95 mask that was left over from Dennis' farming days.

"It has never been used. If you could, would you please give this mask to a nurse or doctor in your state? I have kept four masks for my immediate family," he shared. "Please keep on doing what you do so well. Which is to lead. Sincerely, Dennis and Sharon." 

Who else just fell in love with this Kansas couple? Oh, just about everyone in the comments section.

"As a doctor in NYC, this literally brought me to tears," one user wrote. ‘This man is amazing."

Another added, "It's one thing to be a human being but it's another to be a human…bless this man's heart."

So, who's ready to do something kind this weekend?

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