Does Miley Cyrus Deserve Handicapped Parking?

Should Miley be allowed to park in handicapped spots? Vote, America!

By Peter Gilstrap Mar 10, 2009 9:50 PMTags

The Internet is abuzz with the latest Miley Cyrus affront; it seems all the adorable tween did was go to Hollywood's Millions of Milkshakes (where she has a shake named after her—and guess what? It's called a Miley Shake!) for an evening treat. That, and park in a handicapped spot, potentially leaving some poor disabled soul unable to get a Snickers shake with Cap'n Crunch on top!

Miley's taking a lot of heat from the press, but wait, the star has just revealed she has a heart condition called tachycardia. Though it's not dangerous, "There is never a time onstage when I'm not thinking about my heart," admits the spunky gal in her new book, Miles to Go.

We're no parking cops, but sure seems like that puts her in the disadvantaged category! Take our poll and let us know what you think!


The Miley Cyrus Blue Placard Poll

Should Miley be allowed to park in handicapped spots?
Of course, she's handicapped!
No way, she's handicapable!