Morning Piss: Lay Off Travoltas' Tragedy. Please.

John Travolta unfairly blamed for son’s death

By Ted Casablanca Jan 07, 2009 12:36 PMTags
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The horrible death of Jett Travolta, a boy whose body wasn't exactly in tip-top shape, was such a shock to most of us—just not the few who are now crying that Jett's untimely end could have somehow been avoided, should his parents not have been followers of the famously antidrug Scientology religion.

Look, I'm no fan of Scientology, but I'm a huge fan of John. I'm also a big believer in letting families alone at times like this. How dare autism organizations swoop in on the Travoltas during their time of loss and try and suck out some kind of endorsement deal—hours after their kid passed away! And what right have Scientology haters to use Jett's demise as yet another salvo against their archenemy?

None, I say. Absolutely nada. Jett, after all, didn't ask to be born with Kawasaki syndrome, an autoimmune disorder his parents were on record stating he had. Nor did he ask to be born the kid of public figures who worship not as many would prefer them to. Show Jett some respect, already.