Bitch-Back! Readers Rip Chris Brown a New One

Readers react to the singer's overrehearsed apology video--and much more!

By Ted Casablanca Jul 28, 2009 7:24 PMTags
Chris BrownElsa/Getty Images

Dear Ted:
I honestly can't believe that some people are actually buying this Chris Brown apology. They are probably the same ones who came to his defense right after he beat Rihanna. It makes me sick. His apology was fake, scripted and halfhearted. I love Rihanna, and I think that Chris should've gotten some jail time. He basically got away with beating her.

Dear Cheap Shot Chris:
There will always be people too jaded by Brown's fame and music success to ever get a reality check and see him for what he really is. Looks like Chris is following in Michael Jackson's footsteps, after all.

Dear Ted:
What do you really think of Angelina and her U.N. work? Saw her on TV, and she is very well-spoken and gets the issues out there—doesn't seem at all fake to me. She spoke about refugees and soldiers losing their lives—I believe she is genuine, and if she was just there for publicity, she could do it in a much easier, glossier celebrity kind of way...perhaps a Judy Garland tribute?

Dear Brad Pitt:
If you ask me (which you did), Ange is as cunning with her charity work publicity as any celebrity is for their latest movie. Just because she happens to be doing good doesn't mean she doesn't absolutely adore all the magnificent attention she gets as a result.

Dear Ted:
No question, just a comment: I will forever take heed of your movie reviews! I saw Brüno last night, and it was the worst movie I have ever seen. I was embarrassed and disgusted all at the same time. The only funny thing was the exaggerated accent. P.S.: Sorry about your kitty!

Dear Brüno Bomb:
Wasn't it just revolting? Totally a waste of time, money and precious brain cells. Thanks for the Butch condolence, appreciate it.

Dear Ted:
Please tell me Crawley McNugget isn't Chace Crawford. I don't need to know who it is, just that it isn't Chace!
Baba O'Riley

Dear Don't Worry:
Of course it's not Chace. But Crawford is a whole other dee-lish item on his own.

Dear Ted:
Just had a brief look at the link No Kill Advocacy Center. I say "brief" because it just broke my heart to look any longer. Please tell us what we can do. God bless these animals.

Dear It's a Start:
Raising awareness about organizations like No Kill is the first step. Adopting from shelters and shunning designer breeds is a great second.

Dear Ted:
Thank you for having the balls to point out that Chris Brown's apology was "overrehearsed." He really sounded like a bad actor, and I question his sincerity. It's sad that not everyone calls it like it is, but you do, and I'm grateful to hear (read?) a voice of reason on this matter.

Dear Down With Brown:
I'm sure I'm not the only gossip maven out there who's had it with Brown's faux emotional disarray. And he's a terrible actor about it, too.

Dear Ted:
I'm going nuts with the Blind Vices. I noticed that a poster in a recent Bitch-Back said that you hate Jennifer Garner. Is that true? And if so, what's the scoop? She seems so nice with her family, and I really liked her performances in Alias and a couple of movies.

Dear Gooey Garner:
Everyone's entitled to their own celebrity peeve list, right? She's at the top of mine for being incredibly rude to sweet Taryn Ryder—and that's just for starters!

Dear Ted:
Why don't you get a real job? I am sure we won't see this on your whatever it is. Real jobs are when people work for a living. They do not start ugly things about other people. You sound like a liberal, that's good, when your grandchildren's children are paying off this liberal debt, while you are in hell. Leave Palin alone, what has she done to you? The news media are like vultures, they are not smart enough to get real jobs. Hope you burn in hell.
Harvey Baker

Dear Badass Baker:
My job's as real as the computer you're reading me on. What a coincidence!

Dear Ted:
I'm gonna get straight to it: Shafterella Shoshstein is totally Jessica Simpson. I don't really like her.

Dear Close but No Cigar:
You're one bad birthday breakup too many. Think far stealthier.

Dear Ted:
You will be my god forever because you are so nice and fun. But there is no Robsten, right? If so, I hope Kristen and Robert Pattinson be more honest with each other next time and don't try to treat their true fans like stupids. We care about them, and they seem to hate us. They share nothing with us. They don't need to kiss in public, but they act like they hate each other. I feel bad. I deserve more as a fan.

Dear Complaint:
Don't tell Robsten that, honey bunch. Tell Summit.

Dear Ted:
Ever since you mentioned Bradley Cooper had been the subject of a B.V., I can think of nothing else! Will you tell me if the B.V. still appears in the archives?

Dear Hangin' With Mr. Cooper:
Well, I would certainly hope so. Ain't he a dee-lish goody-baddy?

Dear Ted:
Will you now eat crow on the whole Robsten fiasco?

Dear Give Up Quick:
I will not. Don't be so quick to believe crap.

Dear Ted:
I am so addicted to the Awful Truth. There should be rehab for this. I have to read you every day, and on Sundays, I have to say, I get a little depressed. I am new to your site and am trying to figure out Blind Vices. Do your nicknames have anything to do with their real names? It kind of seems like it. Also has Mischa Barton been a Blind Vice lately? I hope you know I am your new No. 1 fan.

Dear Barton Blind:
of the pseudonyms can be linked somewhat to a Vice's real identity, while others are completely unrelated. And Mischa...honestly, what has she done that isn't already public knowledge? Her entry was a bit older, for the record. Back when she was just more fun, less sad.