So True? So False? Are the Jonas Brothers Dunzo?!

Word is, Disney's reigning princes are calling it quits. Is it true?

By Gina Serpe Nov 09, 2010 10:40 PMTags
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Say it ain't so, Joe! Or Nick. Or Kevin. Or anyone.

What with the brothers Jonas remaining one of Disney's most popular, lucrative and, ahem, scandal-free acts, it seems virtually impossible that the brotherly trio would up and call it quits—or, worse yet, get canned by the kid-friendly channel that ushered them into superstardom in the first place.

But that's exactly the word on the street 'net this morning. So are the Jonas Brothers dunzo? Hold onto your silly bandz, kids. This rumor is…

So false! But also—and believe us, this hurts us more than it hurts you—a little bit true.

While the siblings aren't splitting up (phew), they are bidding adieu to their hit Disney show, Jonas L.A., after two successful seasons.

"We've been fortunate to work with the enormously talented Jonas Brothers on several projects, including the Emmy-nominated series Jonas L.A.," the network said in a statement, adding that we haven't seen the last of the band.

"The Jonas Brothers are currently busy wrapping up their 40-plus city concert tour and will soon be back in the studio working on music projects for Disney's Hollywood Records. We look forward to working with them on new projects in the future."

Might that include the rumored Nick-centric spinoff?

"There's always speculation about the Jonas Brothers, and we'd love to work with them again," a Disney rep told E! News.

In other words, time will tell.