Heidi Klum: I'm Just Obsessed With Boobs

Oh, the things you can learn from a new episode of Project Runway

By Erik Pedersen Sep 11, 2009 4:30 AMTags

Give Michael Kors the night off and all hell breaks loose.

OK, maybe the whole "new bra situation" wasn't that bad. But even setting aside Heidi Klum's oversharing with the guest judges, tonight's Project Runway was full of life lessons, like "don't play it safe," "don't make your model look like an old lady" and "don't make judges choose between you or Logan."

Because Logan's hot.

However, maybe our favorite moments of tonight's episode were clips of some of the designers slagging the competition's outfits—only to later see some of those very designs getting the highest scores.

Revenge, it's what reality TV is made for. 


The Fourth Project Runway Poll

Did the right designer go home?

OK, let's get back to fashion, shall we? Check out the hot looks happening in our Fashion Week Spring 2010: Runway Rundown gallery.