Star Wars: Episode III--Revenge of the Sith

ByMay 18, 2005 7:00 AMTags
It's more like Revenge of the Lucas. After disturbing the fans with two, uh, less-than-perfect prequels, George Lucas makes up for it by embracing his Dark Side. In other words, this is the prequel we've been hoping for. Darker and more intense than the other films (even Empire) and strong enough to stand alongside the original trilogy, the action-picked Sith shows how sweet little Ani became Darth Vader, how the Republic became the Empire and a lot more we're still trying to digest.
Lucas struts off his tech skills with epic battles and massive worlds--although some elements may scare little kids, and hey, those painful love scenes are no picnic for adults, okay? Overall, you'll appreciate how nicely the pieces set up the original trilogy--and not just by featuring a younger Yoda. Restore your faith in the Force, this will.