Morning Piss: Michael Jackson's Heavy Breathing

Michael Jackson's health scandal is about the wrong thing

By Ted Casablanca Dec 23, 2008 1:02 PMTags
Michael JacksonSolo/

So, Ian Halperin's writing a book about Michael Jackson. Sure as hell hope Ian does a better job with the reported boy-enthusiast's shameful doings than tell-all smut god Andrew Morton did with Tom Cruise's life (alien theories of impregnation for Katie Holmes, are you serious man? Your old gossip-lovin' subject, Princess Di, barfed in her grave when she heard that one).

But all this health hoopla yesterday that Jackson's lungs and bod are in rotten shape was so silly. Yes, the requisite press releases by Jackson were issued that he's all fine, and so folks are back to wondering if Ian has the goods, or not.

But it shouldn't be about Jackson's physical state so much as his kiddie state. Sure as hell hope Halperin is able to deliver on this badass tome, as there are a number of young men who used to hang out with the pop star who feel they never got the trial they deserved. Or Jackson, for that matter.