Bitch-Back! Prop 8 Can't Stop the Hate!

Prop 8 proponents don't realize they're so all wet

By Ted Casablanca Dec 23, 2008 3:02 PMTags
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Dear Ted:
It's a sad day in America when people are vilified for exercising their right to vote according to their own conscience. The gay community and its supporters voted according to their own consciences. Why are others not allowed to do the same under the Constitution without being discriminated against because of it? The number of Mormons in California is minuscule compared with the rest of the population. I think you're giving them way too much credit and should be asking the rest of the population why gay marriage didn't matter enough to them to vote for Prop. 8. It's a level playing field. You sound awfully bitter.

Dear Angry Amender:
Fifty-two percent of this state's voters fell for a propaganda-powered initiative largely backed by the Mormon church, which includes such well-known family-values hypocrites as the oft-married Marie Osmond. Bitter? No, just disappointed in the intelligence of my fellow Californians, that's all.

Dear Ted:
What in the world is Guy's hold over Madonna? I assume it's big, even if he apparently hasn't used it to get money. Liz Rosenberg, Madonna's publicist, released a statement about the amount of money Guy is getting, and then he somehow manages to force Madonna into releasing a joint statement with him saying it's wrong! WTF? Is it the kids? Or is it B.V. material? Spill, Ted, please!

Dear Richie Rich:
It's called history, babe. That's the book Madonna's worried about, not the jackass brother's.

Dear Ted:
Don't you think that Toothy Tile's latest blind item means that Toothy is getting rebellious against the bearding? Are we seeing the old, brave Toothy back?

Dear Free Toothy: 
God, let's hope so.

Dear Ted:
Please don't tell me Robert Pattinson is so far gone already. I have such hope for him. I guess the drinking would explain why there is a lack of women associated with him. Well, I might as well take the next step and ask if he has already been a Blind Vice?
Janie, Chicago

Dear Patty Please:
No Vice yet. And he's not close to being far gone, no worries, dear.

Dear Ted:
What did Lauren Conrad ever do to you? I think she is a nice person, and I think that if she would have spilled everything about Heidi, then what would be the point in watching the show? For you to call her a bitch is just hateful and rude. I'm sure the show wants things to be a little secretive. Duh!

Dear Girl Power:
Haven't you ever seen Mean Girls? Bitch is a term of endearment. Duh.

Dear Ted: 
I used to love Jennifer Aniston; now she irritates the hell out of me. I read she spends 10 grand a month on her looks—that is appalling! She needs to stop trotting out her pretend boyfriends for promotions and photo ops and get involved in something worthwhile.
Janice, Toronto

Dear Jousting Jen:
Yeah, it's called acting.

Dear Ted: 
Love your blog, love your sass. I'm wondering: What's your opinion of Nicole Kidman's rumored faux pregnancy? Do you think she really would have tried to pull off something like that? Is this just another of those Hollywood urban (no pun intended) legends, along the lines of Richard Gere and the gerbil?

Dear Frisky:
I would say it's not so much myth as it is a possibility. But let's be clear, we have nothing other than the united state of Nic's homeland, Australia, saying it might be so, nothing more—at this gossipy juncture.