Dead People Are Forever

Thanks to LifeGem, your dead loved on can be a diamond.

By Peter Gilstrap Oct 30, 2008 11:56 PMTags

Ladies, how many times have you been out on the town when an attractive man gazes admiringly at the diamond nestled within your cleavage and says, “My, that’s a stunning gem.” What can you say but a flustered, “Gee, thanks.” Now, thanks to LifeGem, you can purr, “Why thank you. It’s my dead father.” Talk about an ice breaker!

That’s right, all it takes is the cremated remains of your loved one and the brilliant minds at LifeGem, and you’ve got a shiny remembrance. It worked for Nancy Huus, daughter of Bobby “Boris” Pickett of Monster Mash fame, according to a press release that came across our desk. In fact, she’ll be wearing daddy for Halloween. Which is a great excuse to show you a truly horrifying version of Monster Mash via the vocal talents of Bobby Brown and—wait for it—Mike Tyson. Enjoy.