Donald Trump Kills Off Jimmy Carter in CPAC Speech, "Never Thought He Was Alive as President"

Grandson of 89-year-old still-alive politician takes a crack back at the Donald, too!

By Rebecca Macatee Mar 07, 2014 9:59 PMTags
Donald Trump, Jimmy CarterZumapress; Getty Images

Does Donald Trump need to brush up on his American history?

If you were listening to his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference Thursday and heard him kill off President Jimmy Carter (rhetorically), it would seem that's the case. But the Trumpster insists he was being metaphorical in his references to the politician, who is very much alive today.

So just how did this confusion come about? Trump cited a statistic claiming President Barack Obama had a 54 percent disapproval rating. "When you think of that, it's sort of inconceivable," he said. "We're getting into Jimmy Carter territory, and I never thought I'd see anything like that again."

"I lived through that time," said Trump, seemingly referring to Carter's 1977 to 1981 term as president. "It was not a good time and it wasn't pretty."

"I think by next month," he continued, "we will have surpassed the late, great Jimmy Carter."

Oh goodness. Carter's grandson James Carter retweeted the quote, adding dryly, "I [am] pretty sure I would have heard about that."

But the Donald insists he didn't make a mistake. "Of course I don't think Jimmy Carter is dead-saw him today on T.V.," he tweeted. "Just being sarcastic, but never thought he was alive as President, stiff!"

"Actually," he continued, "I was very nice to Jimmy Carter during my standing room only (& standing ovation) speech for CPAC - stated better Pres. than Obama!"

And in typical Trump fashion, the Apprentice creator got in a little brag, tweeting, "The unbiased reporters and attendees said mine was the best and most well received speech at CPAC - THANK YOU!"

Wonder what the biased ones had to say?