
"Bruno" Ends His Weekend in a Gay Way

What was Sacha Baron Cohen's fashion television alter ego doing at L.A.'s City Hall protesting gay marriage and then at a WeHo gay bar?

By Marc Malkin Nov 03, 2008 7:41 PMTags
Sacha Baron CohenAP Photo/Mark J. Terrill

From joining a rally to fight gay marriage to go-go dancing at a gay bar—it was just another Sunday for Sacha Baron Cohen.

The British comedian, dressed as Austrian fashionista Bruno, was the surprise guest at party promoter Tom Whitman's weekly Size soiree last night at Here lounge in West Hollywood.

And he didn't just pop by.

He got up on a bar at about 10 p.m. and danced to the sounds of DJ Manny Lehman with a go-go dancer who was dressed in a wrestling singlet, I'm told. Cohen danced for about five minutes and even attracted some male fans who stuffed dollar bills in his pants.

Cohen was trailed by a camera crew, presumably capturing the hijinks for an upcoming documentary-style feature film about Bruno.

Earlier in the day, Bruno hit a Yes on Prop 8 rally in downtown Los Angeles. For a moment or two, he went unnoticed in a blond wig and preppy conservative clothing as he mixed into the right-wing crowd of rally-goers who support the passage of Prop 8, the ballot initiative seeking to overturn California's legalization of same-sex unions. Once he was recognized, he reportedly jumped into a van and took off.

Recently Cohen has left a trail of Bruno appearances around the world. He crashed Stella McCartney's fashion show in Milan in October and had to be escorted away by police a few days before when he managed to get himself onto the catwalk during the Agatha Ruiz de la Prada show.

He also is said to have tried to get into the Versace show, but security refused him.

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