What Do You Call a Really Horny Vampire?

Nikki Reed and Alexander Skarsgård cause us to get our big…dictionaries out!

By Ted Casablanca Nov 16, 2009 7:40 PMTags
Alexander Skarsgard, True BloodHBO/Jaimie Trueblood

Let's face it: Vampires, in general, are a pretty salacious bunch. But we've basically got two kinds lurking around, right?

There's the more noble and chiseled variety, as in Robert Pattinson's Edward Cullen. But on the other fang, you've got flesh-chomping sex-crawlers Nikki Reed and Alexander Skarsgård. On-camera, too, for that matter!

Which begs, just begs, the need for a new addition to our fab Celeb Addictionary! Certainly for castmembers of the myriad Vamp shows and movies who can't necessarily be trusted with humans' throats once the day's shooting is done.

Want to hear what we think they should be called?

Vamp-Tramp, of course!

Exact definition: (noun) one who plays a vampire on camera, but whose off-camera neck-thirsty antics pale by comparison.

Can you top that? Then slap your saucy words into the Addictionary widget below.

Oh, and by the way, I suppose you could talk us into putting R.Pattz and Kristen Stewart into this definition, but we'd probably have to be drinking the same thing as Lindsay Lohan to agree to it. After all, Robsten's all about subtlety, which Skarsgård and Reed seem to run from like Dracula flees from garlic bread.