Bitch-Back! Is Ri-Ri Doing It for the Wrong Reasons?

Split reactions on Rihanna opening up

By Ted Casablanca Nov 09, 2009 4:11 PMTags
Diane Sawyer, RihannaABC/ Ida Mae Astute

Dear Ted:
I'm a loyal fan, but I can't believe what you wrote in your Rihanna post. Is she brave? Yes. Did she experience something no human or animal should endure? Absolutely. But how on earth can you not point out the timing of this sudden tell-all? It is a transparent PR tactic that her handlers are orchestrating. I am completely offended on behalf of all men, women and children who have experienced abuse. Does the average victim have an opportunity to exploit their ordeal in order to boost record sales and make a couple extra million dollars? No. And please, my darling Ted, spare me the "turning a negative into a positive" angle—Rihanna's handlers should feel ashamed of themselves.

Dear I See Your Point:
And of course recognize the blatant timing of it all. But if she influences positively even one woman caught a domestic abuse situation to get out of it by her interview, then that's OK by me.

Dear Ted:
The goings-on with Chris Martin and Josh Duhamel led me to an epiphany. I support gay marriage 100 percent. Why should heteros be the only ones that have to suffer?!

Dear Random Dots:
I guess...I agree?

Dear Ted:
I'm your No. 1 fan from Greece. As a writer myself, I can't tell you how much I admire your writing style. The way you play with words is just amazing. So my question is this: To me it's obvious that Robsten are an item. Whether you wanna call it friends with benefits, f--k buddies, casual hookups whenever they find some time in their busy schedules, whatever. They are so young, gorgeous, rich, famous, why would they want to commit forever and ever? I understand people's need to see their favorite actors together in real life, but I'm reading comments and questions in your column where people actually want them to get married right now and start producing babies!

Dear Not Lost in Translation:
I think it's fans just having fun with it. Rob and Kristen don't let the crazy talk influence them, though.

Dear Ted:
Would a celeb, their PR rep or camp insider (family, friend or hired help) ever post on one of the large message boards with intent to influence public opinion or to spill some dirt anonymously? Let's use Brangie, for example.

Dear Get Real:
Would a man lie about his penis?

Dear Ted:
Two things: Josh and Fergie. I have (nonfamous) friends that enjoy an open relationship...of all the Hollywood couples outly having this type of relationship, it would seem like them. Any chance of that? And two: The only way I want to believe that Tay-Tay is fake is if Swift doesn't know it. She seems too smart to unnecessarily need publicity. Nobody dislikes Taylor, she doesn't need to promote her "new" album...I believe Summit is setting them up, and I don't like people screwing with our country cutie! And yes, I realize both queries may spotlight my naïveté! Oh and a third ya!

Dear Forward Thinking:
Tons of Hollywood couples have open relationships darling, you have no idea! And T.S. is a very smart girl, she knows what she's getting herself into...whether it's publicity or love-wise.

Dear Ted:
New reader here, and love the column. Could I deal with less Twi stories? Of course, but I have learned to zip past those and read what I want, funny how that works! So I must ask about Ryan Gosling, who is so much more than The Notebook, as he is usually pigeonholed with. He always seems cool, laid-back, an all around nice guy and, of course, hot. Is he truly that way, or is he a Jennifer Garner in training; and are he and Kat Dennings the real deal, or was she just trying to get some press?

Dear Share the Love:
I adore R.G. He's by no means a Jennifer Garner, so relax. As for Kat Dennings, I don't know whatever really went down there. But I can tell ya one thing, if it was for publicity you'd see them at the Ivy not in Silverlake. 

Dear Ted:
Do you think Robsten will be out of the closet in time to go to the Remember Me premiere together? It would seem weird if Rob went alone without Kristen on his arm.

Dear Thinking It Through:
Good question...I don't think it would be weird for him to be alone. That seems normal. But I would be shocked if Rob or Kristen's people had K.Stew come. See, whether they're dating or not, no one wants to get typecast in Hollywood. If people get used to seeing Robsten together all the time, then it won't be believable onscreen when either of them are with someone else. That's all around bad for everyone.

Dear Ted:
You said that the fake relationship is where they make public appearances holding hands at dinner dates and kissing at sporting events...Is this meant to suggest TaylorX2 or Timberlake & Biel? Both have done that! Seems to be some formula to it. And on the whole division developing between some of your readers, tell them to do what I do—just glance down through the article and look for the names in bold/links, see which takes their fancy, then just read those ones. Easy!

Dear Quick Learn:
My, my, you just took it to a whole new level! Don't know if I should comment on that or not.

Dear Ted:
Does Nikki Reed hate Kellan Lutz and vice versa? It sure looks like it in a recent photo shoot with Kellan, Ashley, Nikki and Jackson—they seem so awkward while Ashley and Jackson even kiss. Love those two. The love is so on for the Twilight cast.

Dear Fun-Light:
Pretty sure Nikki Reed only has hate for yours truly. And the rest of her time is spent showing everyone she's "just fine" with Paris Latsis.

Dear Ted:
Rihanna speaking out around the time of her album release (and yes, it's no coincidence) and the Jacksons relaunching their careers in the wake of Micheal's death. People are quick to criticize the Jacksons, but is their personal exploitation of their grief really any different than the angle that Rihanna's media-blitz is taking? And just so you don't misunderstand me, I really do empathize with Rihanna's story on a personal level.

Dear Level-Headed Question:
I see the comparison—the only difference is I think Rihanna's position is inevitable. With all the press she has to do to promote her lackluster album, the Chris Brown question would come up. The Jacksons seem to seek it out more.

Dear Ted:
Love you, but in that latest about Gwyneth and Chris, you are really unfair to Gwyneth. You are talking as though enjoying raising your kids and learning to be a better mother/cook/woman, etc. is boring and worthy of being cheated on! You are alienating so many women here, and most of them couldn't have started their own website, regardless of whether it is popular or not. Gwyneth is simply doing what women all over the world do, focusing on her family, doing a little something for herself for a while and not for an Oscar. Chris needs to pull his head out of his sycophantic fan cloud and step up to being a father, husband and musical genius. Please tell me that you don't see homemakers and housewives with such contempt, that would break my heart.

Dear Misinterpreted:
Clearly, I'm more upset Gwyneth has traded her career, Oscar and cool-edge hubby for boring us all to tears. That's not antiwoman that's pro doing my friggin' job.

Dear Ted:
Harpers Bazaar double-bitched slapped Vanity Fair with a great article and stunning pictures of Robsten. They are haute and hot! The outtakes are even hotter! They are definitely kindred spirits, too. Seems like there are a lot of green-eyed monsters who are showing their true colors when it comes to hating Kristen. Comments saying she can't act are plain irritating. What do you think if Robsten were to do another movie together some time after The Twilight Saga? Could they pull it off? Maybe an indie? Also, what's your favorite Kristen movie so far? Anyways, love reading the A.T. and knowing you're as big a Robsten fan as we are.
A Ted and Robsten Supporter

Dear Doubtful:
Sorry, darling, don't see that happening. Unless it's way down the road.

Dear Ted:
In one of your Bitch-Backs, a women commented on the "Twi Mom" phenomenon. Your answer was right on. Of course, we love R.P. (Edward) because of his looks, but it is more than that as well. Most women have been and are in search of everlasting love at one or several times in our lives. Also part of the attraction to Twilight is remembering being young and falling in love for the first time. For most that ship has sailed, and we wistfully remember. Of course, my first love was no R.P. (Edward), but at the time, he was to me. Anyway, thanks and love your column.

Dear Read On:
You put it better than I could've, darling!

Dear Ted:
I've always been the gal who has to peek under the gift-wrapping to find out my presents. I just can't stand the suspense...the surprise. So of course I am dying with curiosity. Please, please, please give me one behind-the-scenes Robsten secret. All of your clues about there being so much we don't know is driving me insane.
The Cat

Dear Antsy Pants:
Where would the fun in that be, though?

Dear Ted:
Nelson Ellis
of True Blood is my new favorite actor. This brings me to your lovely blog with questions about the man himself. Is Mr. Ellis really the down-to-earth guy that is shown in interviews? Has he ever been any of your Blind Vices, past, present or future?
Amy On The Run

Dear Bloodthirsty:
I love anything T.B. No vices yet for Nelson—he isn't too into the Hollywood scene, which is a good thing. 

Dear Ted:
Love you much! I'm cheering on Robsten as well. By chance, do you know if Rob prefers Kristen in her usual jeans/casual clothes, or does he secretly like her dressed up as in the new Harper's Bazaar spread? He just seems so gloriously proud of her being at his side in those particular photos. Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

Dear Take You As You Are:
I'd say jeans. For sure.