My Super Ex-Girlfriend

ByJul 21, 2006 7:00 AMTags
It was inevitable that all the recent superhero movies would inspire some parodies, but we never thought one would be a romantic comedy. Well, semi-romantic, anyway. When the neurotically needy and Superman-like G-Girl (Uma Thurman) gets dumped by the civilian she's been seeing (Luke Wilson), she goes all Fatal Attraction on his ass, tossing sharks instead of just boiling bunnies.
While Glenn Close made us never want to date anyone ever again, Uma just makes us never want to date Wonder Woman. Again. Despite its high-concept premise, Super is a strictly light affair, utterly predictable and largely forgettable, though it does have a fair number of genuine chuckles. There's no real insight into relationships, or superheroes for that matter, just a pleasant enough date movie for geeks--and the guys who love them.