Tim Burton's Corpse Bride

BySep 16, 2005 7:00 AMTags
The Corpse Bride is Poe-try in motion. Edgar Allan Poe, that is. Bride is stylishly dark and, in its own way, moodily romantic. Burton's second foray into stop-motion animation is a fairy tale for Bauhaus fans (Bauhaus the band, not Bauhaus the architectural movement). The film follows Victor (voiced by Johnny Depp), who, on the eve of his wedding, accidentally marries an undead woman (Helena Bonham Carter).
This causes a love triangle worthy of The O.C. (conniving parents included). There's an elegant simplicity to the Gothic tale, and that just leaves more room for Burton's cast of kooky side characters (which come in all shapes, sizes and superb personalities). It's shade-darker humor makes Bride a bit more mature than, say, Nightmare Before Christmas, and not totally for the youngest of kids. But that's just more for us grown-up kids to enjoy.