Thank You for Smoking

ByMar 17, 2006 8:00 AMTags
Aaron Eckhart plays an arrogant tobacco lobbyist Nick Naylor in a comedy that seems to enjoy itself just a bit too much. Nick is faced with several challenges as he spreads the word about the joys of smoking; naysayers and death threats are just part of the job. The turning point comes when the only critic Nick cares about, his son, starts to question Dad's qualifications as a role model.
Smoking is so addicted to its own wit, the irony seems forced, and though the plot is pretty predictable, the film seems to think it's cleverer than it is (just like those tobacco lobbyists!). Still, the it gets points not only for showcasing the hypocrisy of the cigarette industry, but also for stressing the importance of the rights of the individual. Plus, it's got one other thing you can put in your pipe and smoke--it's funny.