Dumanda Split—Other Bathroom Hookups to Be Had

Amanda Bynes and Doug Reinhardt split up

By Ted Casablanca Jan 15, 2009 10:17 PMTags
Amanda Bynes , Doug ReinhardtFlynet

So Dumanda are now residents of splitsville, surprise, surprise. We could care less about the "who broke up with whom" biz; we're just glad it's over so we don't have to quasi care about Doug Reinhardt or Amanda Bynes as an item anymore.

Talked real quick to a few friends of the former "couple" who are so not shocked about the sitch. "It wasn't going to last, but that wasn't the purpose," blabbed a Bromance homie.

It was fun for Doug (just like it is with all of the other gals), and if Amanda plays innocent victim "that's crap," added the pal, who said that supposedly good girl Bynes basically used him, too.

No argument there bud, A.M. needed a Hills folk to get her back on the recognizability scale again. Now that Herve Leger is dressing her for awards shows she's actually been invited to, the least of her concerns is her ex-BF—who's soon to land a Paris, or other such silly babe, in a chic steakhouse bathroom momentarily, we're sure.

—Additional reporting by Taryn Ryder