This Vine of a Seal Beautifully Floating Away to Enya Is the Key to Happiness

Who can say where this seal goes?

By Dominique Haikel Apr 18, 2016 8:14 PMTags
Seal EnyaMick Hickman / EyeEm/ Getty Images

Sometimes life can get a little hectic if we don't take the time to relax. Take a break with this calming video of a Seal floating away into Enya oblivion. The Vine has over 9 million views as it's literally the most mesmerizing thing to watch that many times in a row. Don't even play like you haven't already brought the loop total up an extra million. Stare into the seal's eyes as you melt away to the soothing sounds of spa music. We're unsure any song other than "Only Time" could convey the powerful emotion in this video. 

The Vine was uploaded by user Jimmy Glansberg, who may or may not have just saved you from another dreadful work week. Let this Internet gold guide you down the path of bliss when you need a boost. Clearly this seal knows where the road goes, where the day flows and, of course, why your heart sighs. Just look at that wisdom in his eyes. Also, who can say where the heck this seal goes? We'll stop before we make another Enya pun.