Bitch-Back! Political Poop and Duchovny's Dalliances

Prop 8 voter bashing, what's up with David and Gillian?

By Ted Casablanca Nov 12, 2008 2:42 PMTags
Cindy McCainNBC Photo: Paul Drinkwater

Dear Ted:
Though it was hard at first, I stuck with you through the E! Online revamp, and I'm glad I did—you're the best, darling! My question is: Now that the election is over, would you please confirm that Shirley Surly from One Matronly Messing Around Blind Vice is Cindy McCain?
—Claire, R.I.

Dear Pushy:
I cannot tell a lie, quite unlike Mr. Surly.

Dear Ted:
Don't try to make the black community look wholly or even primarily responsible for getting Prop 8 passed. Tons more white people voted against giving gays their rights. I'm tired of hearing it. It's bull.

Dear Blame Game:
Pointing fingers is so much easier than having to look deeply into many wrongdoings. Despite statistics of minorities voting overwhelmingly for Prop 8, this problem is far bigger than putting the burden on only one group of haters.

Dear Ted:
Borrow a pair and grow the ef up, loser. How old are you, anyways? Seriously? Bashing a pop star that's slowly making her way back from one of the toughest years we've seen any celebrity go through is a pretty low blow. Why you even have a job at E! is beyond me.

Dear Dumberfounded:
Apparently because I spark reactions such as yours. And who are you talking about, anyway, Britney, who's just using us for her latest emotionally dysfunctional comeback, or Pink, who was wearing simply the most atrocious dress? And if we're to start speaking only sympathetically about every celeb who has a tough spot, we'd have nothing to talk about—ever.

Dear Ted:
Has Nicole Kidman's forehead gotten really tall or it just me? Seems like she needs to have her hairline lowered. Thoughts?
—KB, Houston