Coming Attractions: Movies You Can't Miss

By Ben Lyons May 31, 2007 1:23 AMTags
Stardust David James/Paramount Pictures

With the biggest "three-quels" of the summer now behind us, this is a good time to focus on some of the adult fare rolling out this movie season.

Despite the fact that kids and teens drive the huge summer sales, summer has always been a proven opportunity for highbrow, counterprogramming, from Saving Private Ryan to, most recently, Little Miss Sunshine. This year, there are several thought-provoking films hitting theaters, so after you've seen Shrek with the kids three times, check out these flicks.


Paramount Vantage

A Mighty Heart (June 22):  This is not a biopic about the wife of Daniel Pearl, the murdered journalist. This is far more. It's an ensemble story centering around Pearl's capture and ultimate execution by Islamic extremists. Intensely honest, raw and incredibly powerful, this is a look at history and how key events in our lifetime have affected people from all races, religions, regions...everyone. That said, Angelina Jolie is transformed and you immediately forget you're watching a celebrity onscreen. She is that good. At the end of the day, the film reminds you about life and love and loyalty. It's truly a must-see moviegoing experience. 

Talk to Me (July 13):  Don Cheadle stars in the true story of an ex-convict who becomes the voice of D.C. radio during the Civil Rights movement. It's one of those small, passion projects that will stand the test of time.  In addition to a masterful performance from Cheadle, which is now almost expected from him, both the legendary Martin Sheen and the great British actor Chiwetel Ejiofor give tremendous life to the movie.  It's a fast-moving and heartfelt depiction of a turbulent time in American history.

Eric Liwbowitz/Picturehouse

El Cantante (Aug. 1):  David Duchovny once told me that he thinks it's weird to watch two people who have real sex in real life have fake sex in the movies. I have to disagree when it comes to these folks. Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez deliver the performances of their careers as New York salsa sensation Héctor Lavoe and his soul mate, Puchi. Based on Lavoe's rise to fame—and featuring lots and lots of drug use—the film depicts two people, madly in love, who are cursed by the lives they've chosen. The soundtrack alone will stay with you for days, and it is set and shot in the Bronx. Aiiight!?

Stardust (Aug. 10):  Finally! Something make-believe that challenges us to use our imaginations. A fantasy film of major proportions, Stardust features an all-star cast, including Robert De Niro (seen at the top of the column), Michelle Pfeiffer, Claire Danes, Rupert Everett and rising star Charlie Cox. This is the one that I have yet to see—in fact, I'm rolling to Paramount right now to check it out. I'll holla at you guys when it's done to let you know how it is. 

These four flicks are ones to watch for if you're like me and could use a break from the franchise frenzy.