Lady Gaga Looks Like Your Mom Doing the Walk of Shame—See Her Sad Look!

The Mother Monster looks like what your mother might have looked like if she slugged home after a wild night in the early '80s

By JJ Moore Jun 19, 2014 7:00 PMTags
Lady GagaXactpiX/Splash News

We want to apologize in advance for the miserable visions this post may inspire.

We went round and round on how to describe Lady Gaga's latest getup, and this was the most honest observation. We sincerely hope that the idea of your mom doing a W.O.S. (or Crawl Home of Confidence! We support either), doesn't throw you into an emotional tailspin that only years of therapy can correct.We get it. We all have moms. If you're going to blame anyone, blame the "G.U.Y." singer. Plus, she can totally afford your therapy bill!

Disclaimers aside, facts are fact, and the fact is that this pop star just left the man cave of a fellow music lover after losing her actual pants in his pile of concert tees...circa 1983. Between the hair (which is as suburban Jersey mom as they come), the t-shirt (which is just the "got shrunk in the dryer" style a guy would offer), and those fishnets (the international hosiery symbol of sexy), Taylor Kinney's main squeeze looks like she stepped out of a scene in Desperately Seeking Susan.

As far as Halloween costumes go, this one is genius. As far as outfits to stroll around NYC on a Wednesday, not so much.