An 80-Year-Old Grandpa Got a Marriage Equality Tattoo to Support His Gay Grandson

Grandpa Frank wanted to show that his support for his granson, Joe Skwarek, is permanent

By John Boone Apr 30, 2014 10:12 PMTags

We live in a world where LGBT kids still have to worry about how their family and friends will react when they come out, whether they will be accepted or disowned, so it's always nice to highlight a story of love. 

Like 80-year-old Grandpa Frank, who wanted to show his gay grandson, Joe, that his support was permanent, so he got a marriage equality equal sign tattooed on his wrist to match Joe's tattoo.

And it sounds like the rest of the family is getting one too!

"This is nothing compared to what my grandson went through when he first came out," Frank says in the video. Meanwhile, Joe's partner, Will, writes in the video's description, "The world is really blessed to have people like Frank, who not only love unconditionally, but also accept everyone for who they are."

(H/T Buzzfeed)