Prison Break Is Diiirrrty

By Kristin Dos Santos Sep 18, 2007 8:44 PMTags
Wentworth Miller, Prison BreakBill Matlock/FOX

Hey, all!

So, I'm dying to know what you all thought of last night's Prison Break. As I mentioned before, the new season is diiirrrty. And personally, I'm digging it. I mean, who doesn't love to see the prettiest man in television (like I have to name him, but I will: Wentworth Miller) all grunged up and hot and sweaty and ready to stick a shiv in someone?

I know. I've got issues.

I also know that many of you fans have serious issues with the rumors that Sarah Wayne Callies (Dr. Sara Tancredi) is not going to come back to the show this season, and here's what I can tell you. (If you haven't yet seen last night's premiere, stop reading.)

  1. As we learned last night, Dr. Tancredi is crucial to the plot this season. She is currently kidnapped and being held hostage (along with L.J.)—with the ransom being that Michael find and break out Whistler from Sona prison in order for her safe return. 
  2. Fox has no official comment regarding Sarah's status on the show. (See item 1.) 
  3. I personally have heard that if Sarah were to not return to the show, it would be by her own choice, having just had a beautiful baby girl. So, your guess is as good as mine as to whether the petitions to save her (bless you!) will have an impact on what ultimately happens.
  4. Sources tell me producers are adding a new female series regular, who joins the cast in episode nine. The character's name is Molly Leif, and she's an American housewife in her mid-30s who is desperately investigating the disappearance of her husband and daughter. Her pursuit leads her to Sona prison, and you best believe Linc and Michael somehow become entangled with her. No word yet on who's playing her.
  5. Wentworth feels your pain! I just finished an exclusive interview with the divine Mr. Miller that will be featured in my next Watch with Kristin Vine show. And in it, Wentworth addresses the fact that he, too, has heard the "rumors" that Sarah might not be coming back, and that unfortunately, he cannot say whether they are true or not, but that he absolutely sympathizes with the fans. He's a Sarah fan, too!

This is all I can tell you for the time being. But hopefully, possibly, item 5 helps ease the sting?

Now, stand by for the next Vine show (in which Wentworth gives me the best gift ever—you're gonna die), and in the meantime, sound off with your thoughts on the season premiere and the fate of Dr. Sara below.