We Always Knew Kristen Bell Was a Hero...

By Kristin Aug 20, 2007 5:10 AMTags
Kristen Bell, Zachary QuintoEric Charbonneau/WireImage.com

Hot damn! Joe Adalian over at Variety is reporting that Ms. Kristen Bell (of kickass Veronica Mars fame, of course) will be taking her ass-whooping awesomeness over to Heroes this season. 

The nature of her character, named Elle, is shrouded in mystery, but apparently she has ties to Claire, HRG and Peter, and she kicks off her multi-episode arc with a little criminal activity. Aw, Veronica would be proud.

Lars Wanberg

Zachary Quinto's Sylar will be absent for a stretch midseason while Quinto (pictured above at the wedding with Bell and fellow Hero Masi Oka) shoots the new Star Trek with JJ Abrams—perhaps Elle is a substitute minion of evil?

Is Kristen Bell's casting on Heroes not the coolest news ever? Would you like this gig to go permanent? Discuss in the Comments section below!