Feud of the Day: Keith Olbermann vs. Pat Sajak?!

Find out what the Wheel of Fortune host has to say about the MSNBC personality!

By Peter Gicas Nov 11, 2010 4:12 PMTags

Well, don't expect to see Keith Olbermann on the next Wheel of Fortune Celebrity Week.

On Wednesday, Pat Sajak wrote a post for the website Ricochet.com, in which he essentially blames himself for unleashing the Countdown host on the public by having him come on the short-lived Pat Sajak Show back in 1989.

"This YouTube video reminded me that I was the person who introduced Keith Olbermann to America," said Sajak about the onetime sportscaster. "This was the first of several appearances he made on the show, and he always did a nice job."

But the kind words quickly ended there.

"I'm not sure how he morphed into the bitter-sounding, hate-mongering name-caller he's become, but I'm sorry he did," wrote the game show host. "I do know that to whatever extent the political well has been poisoned, Keith has dumped more than his share of venom into the water."

Not surprisingly, Olbermann quickly lashed back, obviously puzzled at the puzzle man's mea culpa.

"Pat Sajak has made a claim picked up pretty widely—that he 'introduced me to America,' " he said in a statement. "He didn't."

The MSNBC personality goes on to explain that his TV exposure goes back long before popping up on Sajak's late-night program with sports-related gigs and appearances on CNN, the Today show and ESPN.

"I think if he needs to apologize for anything, it needs to be that talk show," Olbermann said. "When he was canceled, he was replaced by a crime-and-skin series called Silk Stalkings, for God's sake. Obviously, we guests must've really stunk."