Breaking the Chain

There is some information that needs to remain private

By Chelsea Handler Aug 24, 2009 2:00 PMTags

Chain restaurants in Manhattan are being required to provide calorie counts on their menus. Houston's is trying to fight this by saying that their ingredients vary in different locations, so they shouldn't have to comply, or something like that...I got disracted by thoughts of spinach dip once I read the word Houston's. I'd like to offer my legal services to any chain restaurant that wants to fight this. I've never been to law school, but I don't want this law enforced. I've been to Manhattan a time or two, and I'd like to go back. I want to walk into a Chili's and go off on a bowl of queso and a bacon ranch quesadilla without knowing how many calories I'm inhaling. Like my Uncle Gary used to say to me: There are some secrets that you just aren't supposed to tell anybody.