Little Orphan Scare-me

That movie does look really creepy

By Chelsea Handler Aug 06, 2009 11:28 PMTags
Chuy Bravo, ChuckyChelsea Lately; Rogue Pictures

Adoption agencies are urging people to boycott the new movie Orphan, a horror film about an evil adopted child.  They feel that it sends an “irresponsible” message about orphaned children.  I know people think this is crazy, but they do have a point.  When I first saw the movie Chucky, I spent night after night lying in bed awake worrying that I was going to get stabbed to death by a rogue doll.  I’m sure Mattel took a huge hit from people refusing to purchase dolls that even resembled that little red-headed freak.  Not many people know this, but I actually adopted Chuy as a form of therapy.  After months of trust falls and tandem bike rides, I finally fall asleep at night secure that some things under 4 feet tall can, in fact, be trusted.