Model Misbehavior

By Ted Casablanca Aug 06, 2007 7:01 AMTags

Heidi Klum talks dieting, panty prefs and parenting, the Beckhams shop in most surprising locales and we check in on tawdry twosomes…plus, our pick for your Post with the Most!

Time to strap one (or more) on, everybody. It’s gonzo girlfriend-tawk time!
Donato Sardella/
Heidi Klum and Marisa Miller graced the Grove with their photogenic presence on Wednesday for the unveiling of the new Body by Victoria Full-Coverage Uplift “it” bra. As my tits are beginning to need support of some kind, too, I thought I should stop by. Good thing. See, in addition to showing off the new lingerie line, the gals took some time to debunk the biggest myths about being models.
Both va-va-voom types swear models actually do eat. Merde! “I mean, how can you have good hair, nails, skin and all of that stuff if you wouldn’t eat anything?” Dr. Duh, aka Heidi K., blurted. “It won’t work if you don’t eat anything...and if you have a good, healthy diet—not diet meaning not eating—then it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Stay away from fried food.”
Kevin Mazur/
Crap! That’s my utter fave. But then again, I ain’t a model. Back to Seal’s main babe, who got all fantasy and fateful: “But if this were to be my last day, and they say you get what you want to eat, it would be...french fries—with barbeque sauce. I like McDonald’s fries!”  

Just don’t tell Morgan Spurlock, huh?

Now, Ms. Miller echoed Heidi-hon’s sentiments, adding, “I love my curves, and I love to eat. It’s definitely important that you exercise. And I exercise, and I eat right. There’s definitely no way I could be a model if I had to starve.”
Don’t see many curves, darlin’, but ya do look fab! How do you do it, I asked in my best Redbook reporterese?
George Pimentel/
“Right now I’m boxing, which isn’t making my knuckles look very good,” fessed M2.  Quelle horreur! "But it’s so much fun—it’s the most intense cardio I’ve ever done in my life, and it works your whole body...It’s good to keep it new so you don’t get bored.” Well, Madge goes for Pilates, since she gave up on Guy's abilities to make her sweat—or so I hear.
Modeling for one of the top lingerie suppliers, the gals obviously get a lot of free goodies. So, what’s their panty preference? “I like the thong,” whispered Heidi. “It’s funny now because my daughter asks me what this thing is all about. And I say, 'You know, when you get older you’ll have these little things, too.' I’ve had them for a very long time. I can’t even imagine anymore with, you know, more fabric. Some people hate it. I like it!”

Enough on the underwear gab. I was curious if model mama Heidi was worried about raising her tykes in T-town, considering the recent bad behavior of the Young Hollywood set ’n’ all.  

“We’re trying to be strict with things,” Heidi said about herself and hubby Seal. “Obviously, once they’re old enough and they leave, you can’t always hold their hand. I think as a parent it’s good to be always there for your children no matter what they do.”

Dina Lohan agrees, I trust.
David and Victoria Beckham, shopping in the freakin’ Valley, of all places (could you imagine living over there—why, I’d just die). Davey and super-shades-shielded Posh were spotted at Fashion Square Mall in Sherman Oaks on Tuesday afternoon. David stopped at Foot Locker, perhaps to look for some new cleats? He was also toting one of his adorable tykes, playin’ proud papa. Shop spies reported no paps or screaming fans were present, but they were trailed by mall security guards, natch. Another attention-loving couple close by was...
Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt, in the halls of MTV’s digs in Santa Monica. The dubious duo was seen taking the stairs Wednesday afternoon, as MTV’s elevators weren’t working. The inhumanity! “They looked like ass,” reported our unimpressed walk witness. “They were sloppy in jeans and tanks, and not lovey-dovey.” Hmmm...could it be these two are only toothy and touchy when the cameras are rolling? No way. Next thing you’re gonna try telling us is that...
Ivanka Trump isn’t all natural. The booby blonde, in a little yellow silk number, noshed on spicy tuna rolls and broccoli tempura Wednesday night at Sapa in New Yawk City. “She was very sweet and left the waiter a 30 percent tip,” said green witnesses. She better, with all that moolah she’s got from her rich-ass 'rents, right? Also dining at Sapa that very same night was Fox News anchor John Gibson (no relation to Cristina Gibson, as he always likes to point out) with his wife-unit. The journos tipped less extravagantly—i.e., stinky.
It’s time for the second installment of our Post with the Most! This week’s topic is TomKat’s ridiculously rumored photo shoot in their birthday suits. What, you haven’t heard about this? According to SAWF, whatever that is, TomKat's interested in doing a steamy, nekkid shoot à la Posh ’n’ Becks. Today’s priceless gem comes from lov3realit3, who’s just horrified at the idea of Tom Cruise droppin’ trou:


Posing nude doesn't interfere with his scientological beliefs? And yuck anyways, I don't want to see that. He can't pose nude anyway—all his alien parts would show.

Naughty! Now, we think nekkid pics of these two aren’t a terrible idea, actually—they’re so Good Housekeeping-esque these days—but only if Tom does full frontal and shows us what he’s working with. Actually, what am I thinking? T.C. already showed us the goods (for a millisec) in All the Right Moves, remember? Is it time for another viewing, Mr. Romantic Showstopper?

We rang up Tom’s repper to get the skinny on this randy rumor. No comment, damn. Howevah, elsewhere deep inside Camp TomKat, we're assured this ain't happenin'. Double damn! 

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