All in a Refrain

By Ted Casablanca Mar 09, 2007 1:28 PMTags
Did it take a big Hollywood movie star to turn Sacha Baron Cohen's 'rents around when it came to their boy's ladylove? Oh, the power of Oscar-winning celebs! Plus, why is K-Fed suddenly shying away from the babes? Got (thoughts of) your ex on your crotch, or somethin', Kev?
20th Century Fox
So, I heard Sacha Baron Cohen was being honored at the kickoff to the Israel Film Fest with the Outstanding Achievement Award Tuesday night. I was all ready to head over to the International Ballroom at the Bev Hilton to have it out—puss to puss—with Sacha.

I figured I’d get to chat with the notoriously prickly Brit about Borat, at the very least, since the DVD was being released that very same day. But I thought wrong.

“Sacha’s not doing any press” was the official word on the day of said shindig.

And not only was S.B.C. skipping the press line, but get this: No pics were allowed of him at all. Not even inside the event, when he was giving his acceptance speech! Nada.  

Okay, I’m gonna say it. Dude, you’re being downright ridiculous. You’re being honored by the Israel Film Fest; you’re devoutly Jewish; your friggin’ DVD has just been released, and you still won’t talk or take pics?

This Brit is getting way too big for his bloody overactive hair follicles. Luckily, I have some other (slightly tangled) observations from said nonphotographed event: 

Mary Ann Owen/

Dustin Hoffman presented Sacha’s award and talked about how they met. Turns out they have the same agent, and Mr. Baron Cohen was looking for someone to spend Passover with. 

“Then Sacha, the wandering Jew, was a wandering Jew no more,” Dustin-doll joked. “He sat at our Passover table with my wife and four of my six kids.”    

Oh, to be a (thrown) gefilte fish on that dining room wall. 

And speaking of potentially smelly things, Sacha announced that his alter ego was unable to attend this do, since “he was being honored with the 2007 Outstanding Achievement in Film Award by the Hezbollah Film Festival.” 

Steve Grantiz/

Why does S.’s gorgeous fiancée, Isla Fisher, want so badly to marry this guy, anyway?

Parental P.S.: Sacha’s ‘rents, I should tell you (and perhaps you’ve even heard) are dying for their boy to marry a nice Jewish girl. Isla, as you also may know, was most decidedly not born Jewish, a fact the Baron Cohens found infinitely lamentable.

Double Oscar-winning Jewish movie star/comic legend D. Hoffman to the rescue: Mr. H., who, for some reason I know not why, has taken S.B.C. under his talented little wing and therefore got on the phone with Sacha’s folks and explained what a “darling” girl she was, and how foolish these old fogies would be not to embrace such a lovely young thing. 

Dan Herrick/

I hear they’re embracing like crazy. (And not just because I.F. recently converted.) 

Oh, the power of Hollywood—never ceases to make my eyes roll up toward Anna Nicole’s new home.

Sarah Jessica Parker, picking up her tyke, James, from a Saturday soccer clinic. Greenwich House, the community center in the Village. S.J.P., in a bulky beige sweater jacket, white tee and huge shades, “looked like every other fabulous Village mom,” according to my New Yawk spy who shared an elevator with Ms. P. Her offspring is “just adorable” and “looks more and more like Matthew,” went the too-sweet scoop. Following in his soon-to-be ex’s steps and taking a night off from his kids was...
Kevin Federline, kickin’ it in Sin City. Revolution on Saturday night. K-Fed got a VIP table, where a parade of (female) hons was in and out of the roped-off section all night. I hear Kevin appeared uninterested in the girls but was way into his cigs and Jack 'n' Coke. Darling, I can help with recovery organizations in all areas when you’re ready! Brit’s estranged hub was only scheduled to stay until 2 ayem, but ended up hangin’ till 3:30. Also out rather early (for Sunday in Hell-Ay, at least) was...
Hayden Christensen, havin’ a Biz breakfast. Hugo’s on Sunday at 10ish. Hayden was with two men and a tall redheaded girl, who he had a total PDA makeout session with after eating, much to the disgust of other diners. Get a room already, you two! Or would the ac-shun then suddenly cease, not increase? Hmmm. Couples cavorting, too, back East included...
Susie Castillo, hanging with her hub-unit at a VIP table. Corio in the Big Apple. The MTV veejay and her man, dressed down in denim, noshed on mussels and calamari while catching the Filthy Gorgeous Burlesque show. Wonder if Susie tried any of their lusty moves on her man later that night? Hope so.

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