It's Official: Britney Is Back on How I Met Your Mother

By Kristin Dos Santos Apr 28, 2008 4:57 PMTags
Britney Spears, How I Met Your MotherMonty Brinton / CBS

She's baa-aack.

As rumored for weeks now, Britney Spears is indeed returning to CBS' giddy-good comedy, How I Met Your Mother for at least one more episode. It's been confirmed by Fox Studios that Brit-Brit will play the same role, Abby, in the 19th (and penultimate) episode of the season, airing May 12. 

"We're all so thrilled to have Britney joining us once again," HIMYM boss Craig Thomas said. "And just to head it off at the pass this time around: Yes, Mom, Britney's very nice and no, I can't get her autograph for you." They begin shooting today.

What's the ep about? Well, according to Fox: "In 'Everything Must Go,' Barney and Abby realize that they have one thing in common: their mutual hatred of Ted. The new 'couple' decides to go to the bar to flaunt their new relationship in Ted’s face. Desperate to get a rise out of his former pal, Barney pops a surprising question to Abby."

In the words of Long Duck Dong, he's getting maweeed?! Can't be, right? Our beloved Barnana is TV's most beloved antimonogamist!

And more importantly, where does this leave the blossoming Barney-Robin romance? Could this lead to a (please, oh please) Robin-Abby smackdown? My money's on the superfamous, internationally renowned pop star to come out victorious: Miss Robin Sparkles.

As for the tiff between Barney and Ted, as we previously reported, yes, the boys will have a falling out, and yes, Barney will be picking up a new wingman—to be played by Will Forte of Saturday Night Live. But given that Ted refers to Barney as "Uncle Barney" in the future while storytelling to his kids, I'm thinking it all works out just fine...

How do you fans feel about Miss Spears coming back to the show? Good, yes? For the prospects of a much, much, muuuch deserved fourth season of this show we fans hold so dear? I'll take that new season any way we can get it...Comment below!

P.S. Here's an excerpt from the Britney episode script, just to get your HIMYM butterflies hopping...

Barney: Oh, wow, Ted, long time no see. I guess you're wondering why I haven't called in a while. See, I'm kind of done with the whole having a life and being awesome thing. Now I'm all about staying in, wearing loose-fitting clothing, and watching bad movies my girlfriend makes us watch.

Ted: That so?

Barney: I'm sorry, have you guys met my girlfriend, Abby? She's my girlfriend, and I just love her love her love her. We're in love, just like Tom and Katie. [Jumping up] I'm in love! And there's nothing about it that makes everyone around me uncomfortable or annoyed!"

Bwahahaha! I love this damn show.

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