Top Model's Allison Regrets Racist Taunts

By Kristin Dos Santos Mar 06, 2008 11:19 PMTags
Allison, America's Next Top ModelGeorge E. Holz /The CW

Did you scream a gleeful “Yes!” when Allison was axed from ANTM last night?

You are not alone. I suspect many a viewer was rubbed the wrong way watching the Waunakee, Wisconsin, wannabe brag about being the most experienced model in the house.

And then there’s that other drama with Fatima. I have a feeling the East African hopeful, who is known for stirring things up, knew what she was doing when she told Allison, a recovering anorexic, that she had an ample backside and was “bigger” than her. Unfortunately, Allison's response was just ugly: She padded the butt on a black doll by stuffing its pants with tissue and said black women “like to take it from the back.”

Today we had the chance to chat with 18-year-old Allison, who didn’t immediately address the controversy but did mention she couldn’t bring herself to watch the “drama portion” of the episode. When directly confronted with a question about it, she expressed regret.

“It was very immature, and I’m kind of disgusted with myself...It was a retaliation because what Fatima said really pissed me off. I was more acting on impulse than really thinking about what I was saying.”

Ultimately, the judges offed Allison because her pictures were overposed. Of course, her ungracious behavior during panel—refusing to say thank you when Tyra complimented her postmakeover look—didn’t help matters either.

“I would have said thank you,” Allison insisted. “I was just so nervous standing up in front of them that I didn’t even really hear what they were saying.”

As for her time spent in the house, she says the episodes didn’t really show all the fun they had—playing charades, popping popcorn and gossiping. “I’d like to keep in touch with as many girls as possible. I really don’t dislike anybody. I’m not trying to sound fake. It’s just that the one person I did dislike, I’m really indifferent to [now]. It’s not like I have to see her again.”

—Reporting by Korbi Ghosh

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