The Island

ByJul 22, 2005 7:00 AMTags
Spare yourself--and your clone for that matter--from taking a trip to The Island. It's nothing more than a simplistic sci-fi adventure blown up to preposterous proportions by director Michael Bay. Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson and seemingly everyone else live in a Logan's Run-like squeaky-clean world (outside is contaminated) with hopes of going to a beautiful island (which, apparently, isn't contaminated).
But the reality is that they are just clones being harvested for body parts ("going to the Island" means your number is up). And you can bet your second liver all heck breaks loose when McGregor discovers that. With too many people chasing them through too many unbelievable scenarios, the stars run through massive gaps in logic and, worse yet, some offensively obvious product-placement shots. See this and you'll think someone has harvested your brain.

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