Idol Hit by "Suck" Strain of Influenza

By Kristin Dos Santos Feb 21, 2008 7:27 AMTags
Brooke White, American Idol Season 7FOX

We all saw it coming, right?

From the moment my man Ryan kicked off tonight's debut of Idol's top 12 femme fatales by telling us "even Idols aren't immune to the flu," we knew he was bracing us for not only "one of the worst cold seasons in American history" but one of the biggest letdowns in Idol history. Wah-wah. And a letdown it was.

Ladies, where were your chops tonight?! You rocked in your auditions, and we surely thought you'd outshine the boys after their lackluster open last night and bring some cred back to the supposedly "best ever" Idol crew. But alas, there was so very little to get excited about. Well, except for Ramiele Malubay, who wasn't half bad and, more important, one beaming beacon of pure joy and sunshine (God help me, I've watched so much Idol lately I'm sounding like Paula): Brooke White.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who's digging on every little thing about Miss White, from her frizzy and unaffected hair to her wide and unaffected eyes to her gorgeous and unaffected smile to her Carole King vibe and solid, sultry voice. The girl can sing, and what's more, her unbridled enthusiasm and innocence make her as rare a find in Hollywood as David Archuleta from last night.

I'm sorta hoping David and Brooke are the final two. You?

Though this also might be a good time to mention that my DVR cut out before Carly Smithson's performance, which I'm guessing may have rocked the house tenfold. As I mentioned before, she's the one Paula predicted way back when to win this whole thing. So what do I know? Nothing.

Oh, except that I'm going first thing in the morning to get immunized for the "suck" strain of Idol flu, 'cause if it can make the most talented batch of auditioners ever sound like they have the past two nights, this is one fierce epidemic we should all be wary of!

But of course, this flu shall pass. And I'm sure season seven will rebound in no time.

Now vote for the best Idol girl by clicking below, and weigh in with your thoughts on tonight's performances in the Comments section below. Who did you love or hate? Who am I missing?


Girl Power(?)

Who was the best girl tonight?
Joanne Borgella
Kristy Lee Cook
Amy Jean Davis
Asia'h Epperson
Alexandréa Lushington
Kady Malloy
Ramiele Malubay
Syesha Mercado
Amanda Overmyer
Carly Smithson
Alaina Whitaker
Brooke White

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